Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering

Major Master's Thesis

The Two Years Master Aerospace Engineering introduced the possibility to develop a Major Master's Thesis.

If the student choose a "Major Master's Thesis”, the Thesis Preparation Committee will proceed to designate an independent Examiner in order to assess the final degree thesis.

The application for the Major Master Thesis must be submitted to the Engineering Degree Office by using the provided form at least three months before the scheduled graduation session taking into account that the Commission meets every first Monday of the month (except August).

The final version of the thesis must be delivered by email in electronic form to the Examiner at least three weeks in advance before the scheduled graduation session, and in copy to (a) the Course Director and (b) the Chairman of the Thesis Preparation Commiteee (see below), as a proof of the completion of the Major Master's thesis within the deadline. If this fails to happen (for any reason), the student loses the status of Major Master's Thesis candidate and automatically returns to the status of Standard Thesis candidate.

The option “Major Master's Thesis” can be chosen even if the student has not sat the exam "Thesis Preparation".

Thesis Preparation Committee

Prof. Sara Bagassi (Chairman) 
Prof. Alessandro Ceruti (Member)
Prof. Marco Zannoni (Member)

The Commission will meet on Monday 27th January 2025

How to submit the Major Master's Thesis form

The Major Master's thesis application form (in the attachments box) can be handed in to the Engineering Degree Office during the office hour or submitted by email (please send a scan of the signed form to ).