Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Aerospace Engineering

Presentation of the degree structure: Curriculum Space and Curriculum Aeronautics

Starting from academic year 2020/2021 the master's degree in Aerospace Engineering will offer its students two curricula: Space and Aeronautics

Starting from a.y. 2020/2021 the LM Aerospace Engineering will offer two curricula: Aeronautics and Space. This proposal was met with great approval from the companies and research centers interviewed during the recent Stakeholders’ Feedback Survey about our master's degree carried out in July-November 2019.

The Master's degree main goal and expected learning outcomes do not vary, but the aerospace and aeronautical engineer professional figures are more defined. They both have solid background, apply analytical tools, numerical simulation techniques and experimental laboratory methods. Professionally, graduates will be able to produce physical/mathematical models to analyse aircraft and spacecraft requirements and performance and the physical environment they move in. They may also study advanced methods for air traffic monitoring and control using information processing and telecommunication systems in aerospace environments.

These learning outcomes are achieved through a learning programme which, based on a solid background in physics and mathematics is completed in this 2nd cycle degree programme by some specific course units, the acquisition of professional and operative skills in all specific disciplines of Aerospace Engineering, and in particular aerodynamics, flight mechanics, aerospace structures and materials, propulsion and aerospace systems; through 2 new proposed distinct curricula, students will be able to complete their preparation in the field of space technologies or in the field of aeronautical technologies. In the educational path, through an internship and a substantial thesis activity, wide space is given to autonomous learning activities, including workshops, allowing students to develop strong skills in the planning, design, manufacturing and assembly of highly complex systems.  



This path prepares students to face the latest challenges in the atmospheric flight field.


This path paves the road to careers in the field of satellite missions and space exploration.


Please note

During year 1 some classes will be common to both curricula, some classes will already be specific to the path selected. Year 2 will be completly different, with the entire second semester dedicated to students individual final project.

Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering I.C. is exclusively reserved to students who achieved less than 24 ECTS in the scientific disciplinary sectors ING/IND-03, ING/IND-04, ING/IND-05, ING/IND-06, ING/IND-07 (or equivalent if obtained abroad) in the previous university career. These students will be notified during selection and admission procedures.

LM Curriculum: Aeronautics

LM Curriculum: Space

The list may be updated every year. Please verify the current available offer here:

Key Details

Duration: 2 years (Full-time)

ECTS: 120

Number of places: 80

Start: September every year

Language: English

Coordinator: Prof. Fabrizio Giulietti

Location: Forlì

Fees: about 3,200€ per year


The Call for applications A.A. 2024/25, requirements and deadlines can be found at this page

Financial opportunities for enrolling students, read more at this page

Laboratories supporting the master’s degree, follow this link

The city of Forlì and the Campus of Forlì: facilities, services and more. Check out the website

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