The aim ofthe Second Cycle Degree/two-year Master Programme in Safety and Quality inAnimal Production is to produce professionals (Experts in animal productionsafety and quality) able to work on all aspects of animal husbandry, such asthe technical, hygiene and economic management of agro-livestock enterprises,machinery suppliers and service providers, and companies that operate in thetransformation, sales and marketing of animal products.
Graduatesof the degree programme will have the ability to:
- improvefarming sustainability and productivity
- improveproduction processes to guarantee the organoleptic and nutritional safety andquality of the animal product
- identifyany criticalities in the production chain and offer possible solutions.
Considerationmust also be given to the resources of the corporate system in which theyoperate.
Thetraining covers two principal areas of learning:
LIVESTOCKPRODUCTION. This area covers the knowledge required to enable students toidentify criticalities in the production chain, to apply their technicalknowledge to farming, health, animal welfare and genetic improvement with aview to improving the efficiency and quality of livestock products and topreventing infectious and non-infectious diseases in accordance with the “OneHealth” principle. This area, therefore, covers specific knowledge and skillsrelated to livestock farming, animal reproduction and health.
AGRO-FOODAREA. This area comprises the knowledge and skills related to quality control,technological design, and the improvement of production processes in order toobtain high-quality animal products that meet the requirements of safety,nutritional value, organoleptic characteristics and ethical considerations.
During thefirst year of the programme, students will study the disciplines related toanimal production (farming and health) as well as the economics and managementside of the business.
The secondyear will be dedicated primarily to gaining further knowledge and skillsrelated to the quality, safety and certification of animal products. Duringthis year students will also gain credits in optional modules and undertake acurricular internship.
The curricular internship is aimed at verifyingthe students' ability to put the theoretical tools learned into practice and togain a greater understanding of their own future career aspirations. It isprimarily aimed at refining the learning process and constitutes a means offacilitating entry into the world of work.
Admissionto the Second Cycle Degree/two-year Master Programme in Safety and Quality inAnimal Production requires knowledge of biology, biochemistry, animalproduction, food science and the principles of economics.
In order tobe admitted to the master's degree programme, the following curricularrequirements must be met:
Degree inone of the following classes or another foreign degree recognised as suitable:
ex ItalianMinisterial Decree no. 270/2004:
-L-25Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie e Forestali [Agriculture and Forestry]
-L-26Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari Classe [Food Sciences]
-L-38Scienze Zootecniche e Tecnologie delle Produzioni Animali Classe [Zoology]
-LM-42Medicina Veterinaria [Veterinary Medicine]
ex ItalianMinisterial Decree n. 509/1999:
-20 Scienzee Tecnologie Agrarie, Agroalimentari e Forestali [Agriculture, food industryand forestry]
-40 Scienzee Tecnologie Zootecniche e delle Produzioni Animali [Animal husbandry]
47/SMedicina Veterinaria. [Veterinary medicine]
Assessmentof personal competences and skills
Admissionto the Second Cycle Degree/two-year Master programme requires candidates topass an assessment of the personal competences and skills that will be heldaccording to the methods defined in the degree programme teaching regulations.
Knowledge of a EuropeanUnion language (level B1 according to the Common European Framework ofReference for Languages) is required.