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Professional profiles

professional profile


Role in the professional context:
The archaeologist as a profession is not governed by any specific regulations and there is no specific professional association.
Archaeologists have cultural and technical competencies in the prehistoric and protohistoric, classic, late antique and medieval fields, as well as in the field of Ancient Near East antiquities, epigraphy and papyrology. They work as archaeological consultants with practical tasks and cooperating with other specialists. Specifically they:
- coordinate, organise and manage activities and projects for the conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage, also in terms of communication/dissemination and teaching;
- coordinate and perform research in the field, including the study of sites and materials within their historical context;
- valorise archaeological heritage, allowing it to be used and/or enjoyed by different groups of people (both specialists and non-specialists), cooperating with local institutions and bodies to promote the local territory;
- perform contract archaeology in relation to public and private development.
To hold higher management roles (endowed with greater responsibilities), they must take a post-graduate course run by the Specialization School in Archaeological Heritage or a PhD in Archaeology.

Competencies associated to the function: The degree programme offers the following competencies and skills required to perform the above-described activities: - cultural competencies necessary to understand and resolve, with updated and effective methods, the problems linked to research (archaeological digs, drawings, surveys, inventories, bibliographical and iconographical research);- competencies related to the management and conservation of archaeological heritage;- IT and technological competencies suited to the modern job market;- the ability to communicate their knowledge effectively to different audiences. Career opportunities: - Public bodies and institutions working in excavations, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage, including Superintendencies and Museums- Public, private and third sector institutions working on the study, research and communication of the archaeological heritage, including local bodies and foundations- Companies and cooperatives specialised in consulting services, working with the above bodies and institutions. Museum Curator Function in a professional context: Museum curator in public and private museums, archaeological sites and parks, working in the protection and conservation of the archaeological heritage, also facilitating their enhancement and use by organising appropriate set-ups and promoting exhibitions and events. Specifically they: - run and coordinate, in partnership with the Bodies working in the protection, appropriate conservation and enhancement of the historical, archaeological and artistic heritage, in museums, public and private institutions, archaeological sites and parks- cooperated with protection bodies, restorers and other professionals in designing interventions to protect the historic or archaeological heritage from potential deterioration or damage- study, classify and set up the archaeological and historical heritage kept in museums and public and private institutions, archaeological sites and parks- work in the organisation and set-up of permanent or temporary exhibitions, guided tours, public conferences and other actions for museum marketing to foster a broader use of the archaeological heritage- manage popularisation and communication in this sector. Competencies associated to the function: The degree programme offers the following competencies and skills required to perform the above-described activities: - appropriate cultural, methodological and technical competencies for the study, classification, protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage;- creative and design skills for the organisation and communication of exhibitions;- appropriate knowledge of the many organisational and managerial methods used in museums, galleries, institutes, archaeological areas and parks in Italy and in Europe. Career opportunities: - Private and public archaeological museums in Italy and Europe. - Archaeological sites and parks in Italy and Europe. - Companies dealing with the design, maintenance, conservation and promotion of tourism and cultural services and events. Editor of specialised texts and manuals in the sector Function in a professional context: Creator and editor of texts, working in press agencies, on journals, newspapers; author of digital information contents and contents for websites, with particular reference to specialist publishing of historical and archaeological contents, both traditional and on-line, communication in newspapers, radio and television, and specifically they: - draft and manage editorial projects;- prepare and revise texts- draft and mange digital contents. Competencies associated to the function: The degree programme offers the following competencies and skills required to perform the above-described activities: - cultural, methodological and technical competencies in editorial works, publishing and journalism for the popularisation of archaeological and ancient history contents;- creative, critical and design skills developed for general communication and in particular on for correct and effective scientific popularization;- writing skills and language skills suited for the compilation of encyclopaedias, dictionaries and glossaries;- appropriate IT and multimedia competencies for managing specific text contents also for web publishing and sufficient knowledge of at least one second modern language. Career opportunities: - Editor in specialised journals for the popularisation of archaeological and ancient history contents- Sector journals and radio and television networks, for the specific sector- Traditional and on-line publishing in the sector.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.