Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Building Engineering-Architecture

An international dimension to the Degree Programme

As part of its educational opportunities, every year the Degree Programme  fosters programmes and international agreements enabling undergraduates and graduates to attend degree programmes, take exams, participate in company placements or research programmes at the most famous European and extra-European universities.

Exchange Programmes

Students  may take part in an international exchange programme and spend a period studying or researching abroad at a foreign university which has signed a collaboration agreement.

Opportunities for international students

International students have the opportunity of enrolling and graduating on one of the degree programme offered by the University, or may take advantage of studying or researching on one of the many international exchange programmes . The Univrsity also lays on specific welcoming and guidance services for international students.


In the box at the bottom right you will find some useful instructions for the management of learning agreements within the Erasmus+ program adnd a brif video explaining the main opportunities and modalities to spend a period of study or trainsheep abroad.

For more information about the opportunities for experiences abroad you can contact the Student tutor at the internationalization of the course writing to

#TutorTalk - Virtual Desk for the mobility abroad

Students interested in undertaking a mobility period abroad are informed that a virtual desk is available from the student tutor for internationalisation of the degree course. Every Thursday from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., the tutor is available for information on the opportunities for periods abroad, the Erasmus call for applications, filling in the Learning Agreement and information on recognition procedures.

Virtual desk opening:

Every Wednesday from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm

Link Teams virtual counter: LINK

To contact the Tutor for an appointment outside the virtual desk hours write to