Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Building Engineering-Architecture

Expected learning outcomes

Master's graduates know how to identify, formulate and solve highly difficult problems relating to the design, implementation and management of complex interventions on buildings, architectural complexes and urban areas, independently or even as a coordinator within public and private bodies and organisations.

Master's graduates deal with the design of new buildings and the redevelopment of existing ones, thanks to specialized and solid knowledge of the methodological and operational aspects of architecture, construction, urban planning, and architectural restoration. They understand how to solve innovatively complex problems that require a multidisciplinary approach.

Master's graduates can use parametric software and know the methodologies and techniques for studying the composition of building materials. They have a solid education in the history of Architecture for critical evaluation of works and know the investigation methods for conservative interventions on buildings undergoing restoration.

Master's graduates know the theoretical, scientific, and methodological, operational aspects of technological and structural design as a synthesis between the formal, functional, and technical aspects and fully apply the methods and techniques for the design of structural and plant components of buildings and building complexes.

Master's graduates know the tools for economic and environmental evaluation of building projects and urban plans at different scales, as well as the methods for analyzing and optimizing building processes to maximize their efficiency. Furthermore, master's graduates know the methods of analysis and design of urban-scale settlements, with particular reference to urban regeneration and redevelopment.

In summary, master’s graduates know the methods and tools to coordinate, manage and develop the building and urban design through the effective integration of all data, starting from the modelling phase up to the subsequent maintenance and management phase, and finally to the dismantling.

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Corso di Building Engineering -Architecture - codice 5697
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