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Vanessa Assumma

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Aldo Barbieri

Adjunct professor

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Conferma lezione del 28/09/2023

Published on 2023-09-27 14:32:56

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Cristiana Bartolomei

Associate Professor

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Giovanni Bellucci

Adjunct professor

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Published on 2024-06-05 09:27:25

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Andrea Benedetti

Full Professor

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Maria Bignozzi

Full Professor

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Gabriele Bitelli

Full Professor

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R2B – RESEARCH TO BUSINESS, Bologna, 26-27/6/2024

Published on 2024-06-07 00:09:54

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Marco Alvise Bragadin

Associate Professor

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risultati scritto CPE del 15 febbraio 24

Published on 2024-02-27 15:55:34

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Nicola Buratti

Associate Professor

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Alberto Casarotto

Adjunct professor

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Giovanni Castellazzi

Associate Professor

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Ugo Maria Coraglia

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Important notification

Published on 2024-02-18 23:50:02

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Carlo Costantino

Adjunct professor

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Claudia De Luca

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Giulia Favaretto

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Annarita Ferrante

Full Professor

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Published on 2018-03-06 12:11:33

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Lucia Ferrari

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Elisa Franzoni

Full Professor

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Simone Garagnani

Adjunct Associate Professor

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BIM I module - March 25th class deleted

Published on 2024-03-24 20:22:50

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Massimo Garai

Full Professor

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Fisica Tecnica Ambientale - visione compiti del 04/07/2023

Published on 2023-07-05 20:40:34

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Giada Gasparini

Associate Professor

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Luca Guardigli

Associate Professor

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esiti 17 09

Published on 2020-10-27 12:54:22

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Riccardo Gulli

Full Professor

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Luca Landi

Associate Professor

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Appello del 22 aprile 2022

Published on 2022-04-21 18:10:44

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Sonja Magnani

Adjunct professor

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Emanuele Mandanici

Associate Professor

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Cecilia Mazzoli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Claudio Mazzotti

Full Professor

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Ricevimento studenti

Published on 2023-07-14 13:09:18

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Caterina Morganti

Adjunct professor

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Alioscia Mozzato

Adjunct professor

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Gianni Neri

Adjunct professor

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Daniele Pascale Guidotti Magnani

Adjunct professor

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"Construction History" exam

Published on 2023-12-09 19:24:09

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Marco Pasquini

Adjunct professor

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Giorgia Predari

Associate Professor

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Pier Carlo Ricci

Adjunct professor

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Angela Santangelo

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

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Leila Signorelli

Associate Professor

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Stefano Silvestri

Associate Professor

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Revisione tesi laureandi

Published on 2024-03-01 09:41:43

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Rosa Smurra

Associate Professor

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Modalità esami

Published on 2021-08-23 14:19:13

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Simona Tondelli

Full Professor

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Laura Tonni

Associate Professor

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Tomaso Trombetti

Full Professor

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Published on 2021-07-01 17:00:38

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