Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Building Engineering-Architecture

Programme aims

The Master's Degree Course in Building Engineering and Architecture has the specific programme aim of training the professional figure of Building Engineer and Architect, who is an expert in the design, management and optimization of complex processes on both the building and urban planning scales.

The specific aim of the Course is pursued through an educational path based on the definition of an in-depth training process where the student can acquire full knowledge of the methodological and operational aspects of Architecture and Engineering disciplines, with particular attention to aspects related to sustainable development, technological innovation, regeneration of the built heritage and redevelopment of existing buildings.

The teaching activities include in the first year, disciplines related to the management of projects, architectural and urban design, and the representation of urban areas and the environment; in addition, disciplines related to the structural analysis and design of buildings aimed at acquiring the necessary skills for modelling and constructing complex structures. These are accompanied by physical, technical and plant engineering disciplines for architecture, technological disciplines for building production, and economic disciplines for architecture and urban planning.

Subsequently, disciplines such as history for architecture and theories and techniques for architectural restoration are addressed, aimed at the historical understanding and critical evaluation of the existing heritage in relation to their context, to the materials and techniques used for their conservation and restoration, also through the integration of innovative methods and technologies.

During the second year, the in-depth study of the technological disciplines for architecture, building production and project management and architectural and urban planning, allow the environmental control of architectural and urban areas. Finally, the disciplines of urban planning guarantee a synthesis approach between the physical-environmental aspects and the social ones, together with the economic feasibility, with a view to a circular and regenerative approach to city management.

The entire training activity is characterized by workshops, which are essential for verifying the level of knowledge acquired but also for encouraging integrated training, open to discussion with specialists of the various technological and scientific sectors involved in the construction or redevelopment of highly complex buildings and settlements in analogy with what happens in most European countries.

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Corso di Building Engineering -Architecture - codice 5697

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