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What to do to cancel, interrupt or communicate changes about the internship

If the student needs to cancel or interrupt the internship he/she is carrying out he/she has to write an e-mail (pay attention to use the institutional one: to the internship office specifying the motivations of the request.

Please note that in cc it is requested to enter the Head of the Internship Board, the host organization’s tutor and the academic tutor.

The same procedure has to be followed when is requested to modify the internship programme and/or the academic tutor and/or the host organization’s tutor if it occurs once the internship has already started.

In the event of:

-requested cancellation, the internship has to be considered as negatively concluded.;

-requested interruption, the internship has to be considered as suspended till a new communication from the student in which is stated the new internship starting date;

-other queries: the student has to wait for the evaluation of the Internship Board.