Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Astrophysics and cosmology

Professional skills - LM 5828

With this activity students acquire familiarity with the professional techniques of presentation and critical discussion of scientific problems.

The Professional Skills activity (96566) is meant to allow students to acquire familiarity with the professional techniques of presentation and critical discussion of scientific problems. The student will understand how to organize a multi-media presentation of a research topic in Astrophysics and Cosmology, how to present and discuss the physical basis of a problem, the state-of-the-art of the research in that sector, the novelty of the results, their impact on that specific problem and the possible weaknesses.

There are two possibilities to obtain the three CFU associated with Professional Skills activities:

  1. about 20-min presentation (via powerpoint) of a paper.
    The student will select a topic of interest (unrelated to the main topic of his/her master thesis), and the professor in charge of the Professional Skills (Prof. C. Vignali; will then provide a list of papers/review articles on that topic, besides the scientific support for a better understanding of the articles. The student will finally choose one of the proposed articles and present (a) the scientific rationale/background (i.e., open questions in that field), (b) the main outcomes and how they were obtained, and (c) possible perspectives, if any. Relevance in the final evaluation (no grade) will be given to the student's capability in presenting the paper and showing a critical and scientific attitude.
  2. participation in schools/workshops/conferences, including a certificate of attendance prepared by the organizers. These activities will be recognized by the professor responsible for Professional Skills only if he/she will be informed of such attendance before the beginning of the activities (to allow him/her to evaluate that they meet certain basic criteria).
    Students willing to participate in Summer Schools and workshops can apply for requests of funds; details can be found at

Students are strongly encouraged to have their Professional Skills activities registered well in advance with respect to their master thesis dissertation.