Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Astrophysics and cosmology

FAQ on Internship for Companies/Institutions

Who is responsible for the intern’s safety competence in the workplace?

The intern’s general and/or specific education on safety in the workplace at structures outside the University of Bologna is a competence of the Host Organisation, that knows their risk rate.

It is also possible to ask the student to show present proofs of the safety courses attended at Unibo and/or any personal certification, the student got in the past.


What procedure should be followed for business travels and trips outside the main operative location?

The internship programme must include the address of the main operative location and the correspondent Headquarters/Department/Office. Other locations in which part of the internship is likely to be conducted must be included in the programme in the correspondent fields, with the complete address and name of the structure.

Furthermore, please detail as much as possible the modes of the planned trips of the internship (for example, specify the place/area of interest and if the intern will be accompanied and under the supervision of the tutor in loco).

Should the student need to travel to locations not included in the approved programme, the student can ask for the extension of extend the insurance cover by contacting the Academic Tutor by mail (with the Internship Office and Tutor at the Host Institution in copy c/c) and wait for the authorization.


Registering in the internship IT application and finalising an agreement with the University of Bologna

  • By registering to the online Internship and agreements Service, it is possible to select the educational area/targeted student by choosing the Degree Programme of the student selected for the internship (if the student has already been selected > targeted offer) or the Degree Programme and Campus closer to your sector of work. In both cases, the finalised agreement will let you host students for curricular internships from all the Degree Programmes of the University of Bologna.
  • The agreement is signed with an electronic signature and has a validity of 5 years. Host Organisations who do not have an electronic signature or PEC can contact the Internship Office and will receive be sent a specific model for autograph signature.