The second-cycle degree programme in Astrophysics and Cosmology aims at giving a solid preparation in the field of Astrophysics and Space physics, and provides students with employability in the context of scientific research, both in Italy and abroad.
The University of Bologna is the only one in Italy offering students the opportunity to study astronomy in the main national centre for astrophysics, where the Department of Physics and Astronomy works in close collaboration with the Astrophysics and Space Science Observatory and with the Institute for Radioastronomy, which are both part of the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF).
The degree programme has a single curriculum divided in two academic years, for a total of 120 credits (CFU). Most of the course units are evaluated through a final exam; among the course units, some are compulsory, other are elective and can be chosen among two lists of course units, and other are free-choice learning activities. Lastly there are 20 cfu dedicated to the Final examination, and 15 cfu for the preparation of the Final examination, which can also be carried out as an internship. More detailed information about course units and their syllabi, can be found in the Course Structure Diagram, which may change according to the year in which each student first enrolled.
Lectures start around the end of September and last until the end of May, and take place in two separate periods, which are interrupted by an exam session. For the exact dates of the two periods, students can refer to the Academic Calendar.
The Final examination consists of the oral discussion, in front of the Examination Board, of a dissertation written by the student, who presents their research work carried out under the guidance of a supervising professor.