Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Astrophysics and cosmology

Programme aims

The specific outcomes of the second cycle degree programme in Astrophysics and Cosmology is to train astronomers/astrophysicists with solid competencies in the fields of astrophysics, cosmology and space physics. Students will acquire appropriate training to continue with their studies in a PhD programme degree in Astrophysics or similar subjects, allowing them to enter the world of fundamental research in universities and research bodies. For this purpose, the second cycle degree programme in Astrophysics and Cosmology offers learning activities in three areas of learning: - Astrophysics, aiming to acquire in-depth and updated knowledge of astrophysics, using all the information deriving from the whole electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to ultra-high energies; - Cosmology, aiming to acquire in-depth and updated knowledge of cosmology, closely connected in theoretical terms with General Relativity and Nuclear and Sub-nuclear Physics; - Astronomic and space instrumentation: aiming to acquire in-depth and updated knowledge of modern astronomic instruments required for the observational study of current astrophysical problems, also through direct experience in advanced laboratories. The second cycle degree programme also envisages: - workshops and laboratories, to develop practical competencies in the most recent and sophisticated experimental and measuring methods, data analysis and processing, numeric calculus; - the possibility to take part in external activities such as internships in research bodies, companies and private facilities or the public administration, as well as study periods in other Italian or foreign universities, also within the framework of international agreements. In any case, this training must allow students to enter the world of work, in industry (computing, aerospace, optics, electronics, mechanics) and the tertiary sector (data analysis), having acquired the mathematical, physical, computing, logical and statistical skills required for Research and Development (R&D).; - transversal activities aiming to develop scientific design and communication abilities; - a final examination, involving the production of an original project which can be developed in a research group in the Department or other departments at the University, other universities, public or private bodies, in Italy or abroad, also within the framework of international agreements.