Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Astrophysics and cosmology


Professional profiles

professional profile

Astrophysicist/AstronomerFunction in a professional context: First- and second-cycle graduates in Astrophysics and Cosmology: - promote and conduct research in order to expand scientific knowledge in the fields of astrophysics, cosmology and space; - identify and apply appropriate investigation methods to conduct research in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology; - formulate theories and laws on the basis of observations and experiments, increasing scientific knowledge in this field; - make available new knowledge to the scientific community, systematically disseminating and teaching it; - use this knowledge and transfer it to the industrial world, in order to foster and support the production of services, technological development and the exploration of space; - collect and interpret astronomic and other experimental data.Competencies associated to the function: In order to carry out the above functions, the following are required: - knowledge and understanding of the properties and behaviour of radiation in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and in different physical conditions; - knowledge of advanced data collection systems and analytical methods; - modelling of physical systems, using analytical or numerical techniques; - ability to write and use programmes and apply statistical methods, developing new procedures for defined objectives; - verbal, written and multimedia communication skills, describing problems and results, also to the general public; - ability to tackle and solve a problem using a scientific approach, reporting according to a set schedule; - critical and self-study skills in the specific fields of knowledge; - ability to work and interact with other people, team working skills.Career opportunities: - Universities and public and private research bodies; - Optical and space industries; - ICT, mechanical and electronic companies; - Scientific popularization agencies and bodies; - Software Houses and Agencies working in modelling and statistical data processing; - Research, design and industrial product quality certification laboratories in public and private companies; - Banking financial consulting institutes. Graduates with sufficient credits in appropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams for training programmes to teach in secondary schools, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.