The Master Degree in Automation Engineering provides is a two-year Programme fully delivered in English. The Degree Programme provides students with interdisciplinary skills at the intersection of Automatic Machines, Autonomous Systems, Robotics, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, based on a multidisciplinary training from Control and Systems Theory, Optimization, Distributed Computing, Mechanics, Computer Vision, Real-time Software and Artificial Intelligence.
Multidisciplinarity is its strength.
The Master Degree Programme provide students several possibilities:
1. Master Degree in Automation Engineering in English for 2 years in Bologna;
2. Autonomous systems and Intelligent Robots track. A Double Degree in the framework of the SPECTRO project (EIT Digital)
3.Double Degree with Stuttgart University (Germany)
4. Double-Degree with Tongji University in Shanghai (AlmaTong Programme).