Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Automation Engineering

AlmaTong Bachelor Programme

Overview of the AlmaTong Bachelor Programme: the Double Degree in Automation Engineering.

Structure of the Programme

At the end of the Programme each University will grant to participating students its degree (equally recognized in Italy as in the People's Republic of China), respectively:

  • Laurea in Ingegneria dell’Automazione at University of Bologna
  • Bachelor of Science in Control Theory and Control Engineering at Tongji University

The Program is organized as follows:

Bachelor Degree in Automation Engineering: Study Programme for Italian and International Students

First year in Italy: the first academic year entails basic courses in Automation Engineering (in Italian), together with the students in "Ingegneria dell’Automazione".
Second year in Shanghai: Italian students will attend their second year at the Tongji University of Shanghai together with the Chinese students participating in the project — the latter due to the different educational system already completed two years at Tongji University and began their study of the Italian language. The courses will be taught in English by Chinese instructors from the Tongji University.
Third year in Italy: having obtained 180 ECTS credits, also including a final project, Italian students will obtain a Bachelor of Science degree (Laurea di primo livello in "Ingegneria dell’Automazione") from the University of Bologna.
Optional period — up to 6 months in Shanghai: an additional period of study or training in Shanghai is required in order to obtain the Chinese Bachelor of Science degree from the Tongji University. During this period students will primarily focus on research or cooperation with industries. This period can be postponed to the Almatong master program.

Bachelor Degree in Automation Engineering: Study Programme for Chinese Students

First three years in China: Chinese students, who enter university one year earlier than Italian students — currently already taking first year classes of the first edition of the project — attend their first three years of study at Tongji University. The first academic year of the project entails courses of instruction agreed upon by Italian and Chinese professors and taught by Chinese facilities in Chinese. Courses in the following two years are taught in English by Chinese instructors.
Fourth year in Italy: Chinese students complete their course of studies in Italy, where they attend courses given in English, with tutors and supporting educational material provided in English. Exams can be taken in English. Upon completion of their studies, including a final graduation project, students will obtain both the Bachelor of Science degree (Laurea di primo livello in "Ingegneria dell’Automazione") from the University of Bologna and the Bachelor of Science degree (Control Theory and Control Engineerng) from the Tongji University.

Study Plan of the AlmaTong Bachelor students of the University of Bologna

In addition, for the Italian and Foreign students spending their second year in Shanghai, In order to obtain Chinese Degree, is compulsory to attend the following courses provided by Tongji University:

  • Chinese Language I
  • Chinese History and Culture
  • China’s Socio – Economic Development