Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Automation Engineering


Professional figure: the Automation Engineer

The Automation Engineering graduate has an in-depth interdisciplinary knowledge of the automatic, mechanical, computing, electronics and electrical engineering sectors, and is able to conceive, design, implement and start up automation systems for machines, processes, systems, products and services. Lab and experimental activities complement the theoretical competences provided in the two years.

This flexibility both in the attitude and in the competences is believed to be a significant asset of the Automation Engineer, in view of the large variety of possible applications, of the continuous and rapid evolution of the technologies, as well of the job market.


Career opportunities

Due to its international background the Master Programme allows  students to work for local international companies and abroad. The main career opportunities lies in the manufacturing, industrial transformation and services industries, both conventional (transport, distribution and territorial management, etc.) and advanced with high added value (management consulting, automatic machines, computing, etc.) and the civil service. In these fields, Automation Engineering graduates are able to contribute with their specific skills to technological innovation and production processes, which also require the integration of information and industrial technologies.

More specifically, graduate students will find employment in companies that produce and/or use automation components and systems, engineering firms, public or private bodies which use automatic/mechanical/ computing techniques and technologies to optimise production, manage and/or supply services.

Access to further study

Graduates would be able to enrol in PhD Programmes as well as in professional Masters.


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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Automation Engineering - codice 8891
Professional profiles professional profile Career opportunities for graduates Senior Automation Engineer - Processing and Control Systems Expert function in a professional context: … Read more