AAE students (prospective and enrolled) should refer to UNIMORE or UNIBO offices depending on their question.
How can we help you: Applying for the "working student" status.
How can we help you: Creating your curriculum vitae and LinkedIn profile, getting ready for a job interview, successfully looking for a job.
E-mail orientalavoro@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2088 600; +39 051 2088 601 Telephone hours
How can we help you: Learning about opportunities for professional growth, getting in touch with businesses for job opportunities.
E-mail Jobplacement@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2088564; +39 051 2099783; +39 051 2099872; +39 051 2098931 Telephone hours
Address Palazzo Paleotti - Largo Trombetti, 1 40126 – Bologna Public opening hours
How can we help you: Notices about logistics and organisational aspects concerning your degree programme, general information on admissions, exams, course timetable, study plan and graduation.
Contact person's name for the office Giulia Longo
How can we help you: Technical issues and requests for support on the Studenti Online application.
E-mail help.studentionline@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2080301 Telephone hours Monday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Tuesday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Wednesday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Thursday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Friday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm
How can we help you: Information on the learning outcomes and contents of a degree programme.
Contact person's name for the office Matteo Giacopini
How can we help you: Notices about logistics and organisational aspects concerning your degree programme, general information on admissions, exams, course timetable, study plan and graduation.
Contact person's name for the office Giulia Longo
How can we help you: Taking the necessary actions to ensure that each person can study and take exams and tests in the most effective way possible.
Contact person's name for the office Paolo Guidorzi
E-mail disabilita@unibo.it; dsa@unibo.it; paolo.guidorzi@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2080740 Telephone hours Monday 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m
How can we help you: Notices about logistics and organisational aspects concerning your degree programme, general information on admissions, exams, course timetable, study plan and graduation.
Contact person's name for the office Giulia Longo
How can we help you: Taking the necessary actions to ensure that each person can study and take exams and tests in the most effective way possible.
Contact person's name for the office Paolo Guidorzi
E-mail disabilita@unibo.it; dsa@unibo.it; paolo.guidorzi@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2080740 Telephone hours Monday 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m
How can we help you: Notices about logistics and organisational aspects concerning your degree programme, general information on admissions, exams, course timetable, study plan and graduation.
Contact person's name for the office Giulia Longo
How can we help you: Report dysfunctions, shortfalls or violations of the law or the principles of good administration.
E-mail garante@unibo.it
How can we help you: Activating an alias career, that is, having your legal name replaced with a chosen name.