AAE students (prospective and enrolled) should refer to UNIMORE or UNIBO offices depending on their question.
What it can help you with: Taking the necessary actions to ensure that each person can study and take exams and tests in the most effective way possible.
Contact person's name for the office Paolo Guidorzi
E-mail disabilita@unibo.it; dsa@unibo.it; paolo.guidorzi@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2080740 Telephone hours Monday 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m
What it can help you with: Technical issues and requests for support on the Studenti Online application.
E-mail help.studentionline@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2080301 Telephone hours Monday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Tuesday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Wednesday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Thursday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm Friday 9 am-13 pm e 14 pm-17 pm
What it can help you with: Activating an alias career, that is, having your legal name replaced with a chosen name.
What it can help you with: Reports on logistical and organizational aspects related to the programme's activities, general information on admissions, exams, timetables, study plan and graduation.
Contact person's name for the office Desideria Santella
E-mail aae.engineering@unibo.it
Address Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna Public opening hours
What it can help you with: Taking the necessary actions to ensure that each person can study and take exams and tests in the most effective way possible.
Contact person's name for the office Paolo Guidorzi
E-mail disabilita@unibo.it; dsa@unibo.it; paolo.guidorzi@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2080740 Telephone hours Monday 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m
What it can help you with: Creating your curriculum vitae and LinkedIn profile, getting ready for a job interview, successfully looking for a job.
E-mail orientalavoro@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2088 600; +39 051 2088 601 Telephone hours
What it can help you with: Learning about opportunities for professional growth, getting in touch with businesses for job opportunities.
E-mail Jobplacement@unibo.it
Phone +39 051 2088564; +39 051 2099783; +39 051 2099872; +39 051 2098931 Telephone hours
Address Palazzo Paleotti - Largo Trombetti, 1 40126 – Bologna Public opening hours
What it can help you with: Reports on logistical and organizational aspects related to the programme's activities, general information on admissions, exams, timetables, study plan and graduation.
Contact person's name for the office Desideria Santella
E-mail aae.engineering@unibo.it
Address Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna Public opening hours
What it can help you with: Report dysfunctions, shortfalls or violations of the law or the principles of good administration.
E-mail garante@unibo.it