Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced Automotive Engineering

Our places of teaching

Modena Campus (1st year common semester for all the 6 AAE specializations)

Established 25 years ago, the "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering meets the highest teaching and research requirements. It regularly cooperates with renowned firms in the car manufacturing, chemical, mechanical, ceramics and biomedical fields, as well as enterprises in the sectors of IT, telecommunications and industrial electronics. The Department has benefited from this productive network, improving and further developing over the years the high quality level of its research and technological application. Its graduates can easily find employment, thanks to the training opportunities offering students the chance of developing the knowledge acquired during the academic program and taking a closer look at the job market.


The "Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering Campus covers 160,000 sqm with its 18 classrooms and 11 laboratoriesThe "Enzo Ferrari" library offers a comfortable, quite study space to the students of the engineering courses. Owing to a broad set of subscriptions to technical digital libraries and the presence of competent librarians, students and researchers can easily perform in depth bibliographical searches.

Over 100 workspaces are available in the Department Labs, daily used for the activities that most of the engineering classes require: they range from the electronics and telecommunication labs,  to the labs where workspaces equipped with high performance personal computers and several software packages can be freely accessed by the students of the different engineering courses.

How to reach the Modena Campus.

Bologna Campus (2nd semester of the 1st year, 2nd year for "Advanced Powertrain BO AP-BO, Advanced Motorcycle Engineering AME and Advanced Sportscar Manufacturing ASM specializations)

The School of Engineering and Architecture is situated in Viale del Risorgimento. The older complex, containing laboratories, lecture rooms, and areas for students, researchers and teachers, stands in the Saragozza district at N° 2, Viale del Risorgimento.

The building is a prime example of twentieth-century architecture, designed by architect Giuseppe Vaccaro and inaugurated in 1935. With its ribbon windows and horizontal lines offset by the starkly vertical tower, the Porta Saragozza complex on land once belonging to Villa Cassarini was the first work of proper modern architecture to adorn the town of Bologna.

A large building catering for study and research requirements, its main architectural feature a red-brick tower housing a valuable collection of ancient tomes.

The present School of Engineering and Architecture stems from the School of Applied Engineering based in the former monastery of San Giovanni dei Celestini near Piazza Maggiore.

How to get to the Viale del Risorgimento premises:

If arriving by car from outside Bologna, leave the motorway ring-road at Exit 5 and follow directions to the centre. On reaching the avenues forming the inner ring-road, make your way to Porta Saragozza. If you arrive at the train station, catch the 33 bus and get off at “Liceo Righi”. From the centre the bus is the number 20. In either case, allow about 15 minutes.