Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Advanced Automotive Engineering

Programme aims

The Advanced Automotive Engineering Master’s Degree Programme is aimed at providing the knowledge and the skills relating to the design of high-performance and racing motor vehicles and motor cycles, focusing on the development, integration and production of their main systems such as the powertrain and the chassis.

Graduates in Advanced Automotive Engineering shall possess the following skills:

- interpret and model the main design aspects relative to components, machines, complex mechanic and electric systems that are typical of modern vehicles, starting from a deep knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics and the other basic sciences, and by means of an interdisciplinary approach;

- identify, formulate and resolve complex engineering issues requiring high-level theoretical and experimental knowledge and skills, by using the most modern computer-based tools;

- work in a collaborative way in multidisciplinary groups to ideate, plan, design and manage complex and/or innovative systems, processes and services relating to vehicle engineering, by applying knowledge and skills that are typical of mechanic, electronic, electric and material engineering.



 Students attending the Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced Automotive Engineering already have proper basic knowledge that are typical of Mechanic Engineering and have the opportunity, in the initial phase of the study programme, to gain further skills in the field of Materials and Innovation Technologies, Engines, Electric and Hybrid Powertrain systems, Aerodynamics, Vehicle Mechanics and Dynamics, Structural Design of engines and chassis, Production Systems in the automotive field. After the first phase, students complete their preparation by vertically delve into the disciplines relating to Electric Machines, Electronics and Controls, with the purpose of providing a state-of-the-art training on electric/hybrid powertrain and on checks of high-performance modern vehicles. Such knowledge is enriched by learning and applying computer assisted design tools and virtual prototyping tools in the structural (FEM), fluid-dynamic (CFD) and design (CAD) fields, as well as by using highly specialised research and experimentation laboratories already shared with the companies, and industrial laboratories made available by the same companies that are involved in the educational project. Given the obligation for students to participate in training internships in companies or industrial research laboratories, the programme is structured as to allow for the application of an educational approach based on a learning by doing approach, further enhanced by the opportunity to choose curriculum activities within the Formula SAE teams, which have been available for a long time at the partner universities.

The training programme provided by the Study Programme is conceived as the development of hierarchical learning areas starting from a common one, and on their subsequent declination in specialist areas that are progressively covered more deeply thanks to a half-year term offered in multiple specialised universities, as described below. At the end of the training programme, the skills acquired are summarised in a semester that entirely focuses on carrying out professional design activities needed to progressively enter the job market.

The Master’s Degree Programme is an inter-university program coordinated by the University of Modena Reggio-Emilia. Detailed Information on this section are available at following link: