Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Biomedical engineering

Recognition of working or extracurricular activities as curricular internship

If you have carried out a working experience or an extra-curricular activity consistent with your Degree Programme’s learning objectives, you can ask for the recognition of these activities as a curricular internship.

Extra-curricular activities include any working activity or any activity comparable to work, for instance an internship activated by an external sponsoring body.

It is possible to apply for the recognition of a working activity during the entire academic year, regardless of the existence of an agreement between the University and the host organisation where the extra-curricular activity has been carried out.   

If the curricular internship you wish to have recognized is an elective activity, you need to add it to your study plan before you apply for the recognition.  

You cannot ask for recognition of activities performed in host organisation whose legal manager, member or director/ supervisor/ person in charge has family bonds (2° degree of kinship) with you.

To apply for the recognition, it is necessary to send the following documents to the Student Administration Office:

- Credit recognition’s application form for the extra-curricular activity;

- Certificate of working or extra-curricular activity (signed by the host organization);

- Final report of the activity performed, to be drafted following the standard guidelines that apply to curricular internships (available at the Internship page).  

If the activity to be recognized is the Internship for the final examination preparation, then it is also necessary to attach a declaration of the end of activity issued by the Thesis Supervisor, certifying that the activity in question has been successfully carried out and completed.

The documentation can be sent via traditional mail or hand-delivered by appointment, at the Student Administration Office in Via Montalti, 69.

The application will be evaluated by the Internship Committee. The Student Administration Office will share the result of the evaluation within 60 days from the application. In case the result is positive, the internship will be recorded in the student’s transcript of records without further meetings or actions.