Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Business Administration and Sustainability

Exchange incoming students

Exchange incoming students at the School of Economics and Management, Forlì Campus can find information about their exchange period.

Exchange incomiing students can choose among all the courses offered by the Department of Management in Forlì. You can check the course catalogue enclosed to this webpage and select the courses according to the language/type of programme (bachelor's/master's)/period.

Please note that if you mix courses from different degree programmes/years, there may be some overlapping in your lessons. Attendance is not compulsory but very advised therefore you can evaluae or to change courses or to skip some classes (in that case please inform the teacher that you will not be able to take all the classes due to overlapping).

Please note that if the Exchange programme is with Forlì campus exchange students have to carry out all the activities in Forlì. 

Generally,it is not possible to take courses in Bologna or in other campuses. Only in case you have reasons strictly connected with your study plan (i.e. compulsory courses that are not offered by the Forlì campus), it is possibile to ask for preliminary permission to take one or some courses in other campuses.

Class Timetable

Please alway check the updated course schedule at 
indicating the name of the course and selecting Forlì campus.


Academic calendar

It is important to check the dates of lessons and exams in order to be sure that the period is consistent with the timing of your exchange and deadlines of your university.

The calendar is update at the following link

Double degree programme (only for Master's degees)

If you are a Double Degree exchange sudent, please check the specific information for you: