Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical Innovation and Regulation

Quality Assurance Committee and other Committees

In order to carry out some of its functions, the Degree Programme Board is assisted by committees comprised of teachers involved in the programme. These committees are listed below, indicating their specific functions and contact persons.

Quality Assurance Committee 

The Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee flanks the Coordinator to monitor the quality assurance procedures and promote a culture of quality.

For this purpose, the Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for:

  • verifying implementation of the improvement measures approved in the annual report of the Degree Programme Board;
  • monitoring the careers of students, their opinions about the learning activities and their level of satisfaction at the end of the programme, as well as graduate employment rates;
  • reporting the results of its monitoring activities to the Degree Programme Board.  

University regulations require the Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee to comprise the Coordinator and other members of the Degree Programme Board, including student representatives:

Prof. Isabel Cavaco (University of Algarve )
Prof. Alessandra Tolomelli (University of Bologna)
Prof. Daniel Sainz (university of Barcelona)

Prof. Emilio Tagliavini (University of Bologna)

Irma Siboni (Student representative)

Francis Adjei (Student representative)

Saad Md. Hossain (Student representative)

John Morrell (Student representative)

Muhammad Hasnain Yousaf (Student representative)

Lorenzo Cristini (Student representative)

Roxana Montes (Student representative)

Examiners Board

The Examiners Board is composed by the Programme Committe among its own members and by lecturers representatives from the three Parties and at least three representatives of the ChIR stakeholders and employers: national bodies, private and public companies in the chemical industry and/or industrial or professional associations. It monitors the effectiveness of the implementation of quality management policies and elaborates the Annual Quality Assessment Report.

Guidance Committee 

The Guidance Committee organises initiatives designed to disseminate more clearly the learning content of the Degree Programme, so that those interested in enrolment can make a more informed decision.

Programme Management Team

The Programme Coordinator, the Programme Directors constitute together the Programme Management Team. The Programme Management Team has many duties, among which:

  • assisting with the publicity and marketing of the Programme and obtaining external sponsorship;
  • developing promotion materials and strategies for the dissemination of the Programme;
  • promoting and organizing the annual ChIR Symposium.

Study Plan Committee

The Study Plan Committee assesses:

  • applications to change or transfer to the Degree Programme;
  • changes to the study plans of the students enrolled in the Degree Programme;
  • the admissibility of students who do not meet the admission requirements indicated in the Teaching regulation for the Degree Programme.

Prof. Paola Galletti (University of Bologna)
Prof. Vera Ribeiro (University of Algarve)

Prof. Carmen  Gonzales (University of Barcelona)

Programme Committee

The Programme Committee is composed by lecturers in charge of the teaching activities provided in the degree Programme and by one student elective representative per enrolled 10 students in the degree Programme. It will provide advice on all academic and non-academic issues relevant for the successful implementation of the Programme and on proposals regarding the teaching plan and learning outcomes.

Some of the responsabilities of the Programme Committee are: 

-approving the annual study plan, including the list of modules offered and participating lecturers in each edition;

approving the list of topics for research theses.

Internship Committee

The Commitee assists students who wish to deliver their internship in Italy: it approves internship requests, it checks the consistency of the activities that are carried out with the objectives of the degree program, it reads and evaluates the final report and registers the related credits on AlmaEsami.

The Internship Committee is composed by:

Prof. Alessandra Tolomelli (University of Bologna)
Prof. Emilio Tagliavini (University of Bologna)

Prof. Paola Galletti (University of Bologna)