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David Aguila Aviles

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Susana Amezqueta Perez

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Ana Isabel Antunes Tomaz Diniz

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Jaume Argerich Herreras

Full Professor

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Silvia Bagni

Associate Professor

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Modifica orario di ricevimento giovedì 29 settembre

Published on 2022-09-28 19:14:45

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Marco Bandini

Full Professor

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Obbligatorietà iscrizione Alma-Esami

Published on 2019-06-26 17:55:25

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Alessandra Bonoli

Full Professor

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Ricevimento / Receivng

Published on 2023-07-24 19:07:49

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Ana Belen Caballero Hernandez

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Walter Cabri

Full Professor

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Luca Ciacci

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Jordi Cirera Fernandez

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

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Pier Giorgio Cozzi

Full Professor

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Luis Miguel De Amorim Ferreira Fernandes Nunes

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Marco De Angelis

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Ana Maria De Juan Capdevila

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Jose Antonio De Sousa Moreira

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Helder Dias Mota Filipe

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Maria De Lurdes Dos Santos Cristiano

Full Professor

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Santiago Esplugas Vidal

Adjunct Professor

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Carolina Estarellas Martin

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

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Luca Evangelisti

Associate Professor

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Giuseppe Falini

Full Professor

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Lucia Ferrazzano

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Federico Fraboni

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Paola Galletti

Full Professor

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Alessandro Gesuato

Adjunct professor

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Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez Azon

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Maria Teresa Henriques De Faria Fernandes

Full Professor

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Ruben Huertas Garcia

Assistant Professor employed by a different University

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Rafael Llorach Asuncion

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

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Marco Lombardo

Associate Professor

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Nuria Lopez Vinent

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

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Vera Linda Ribeiro Marques

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Drinalda Mehja

Adjunct professor

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Arianna Menichetti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Isabel Maria Palma Antunes Cavaco

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Fabrizio Passarini

Full Professor

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Matteo Pori

Adjunct professor

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Teresa Quarta

Adjunct professor

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Maria Del Pilar Ramirez De La Piscina Millan

Full Professor

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Albert Romano Rodriguez

Full Professor

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Angelo Kenneth Romasanta

Adjunct Professor

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Daniel Sainz Garcia

Adjunct professor

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Chiara Samorì

Associate Professor

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Javier Vicente Saurina Purroy

Full Professor

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Merce Segarra Rubi

Full Professor

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Maria Clara Semedo Da Silva Costa

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Emilio Tagliavini

Full Professor

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Alessandra Tolomelli

Associate Professor

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Laura Tositti

Associate Professor

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Claudio Trombini

Alma Mater Professor

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Alternative Green Solvents - Final written exam

Published on 2022-04-26 17:48:06

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Maria Socorro Vazquez Campos

Adjunct Professor

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Fabio Vivarelli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Inizio Modulo 2 tossicologia

Published on 2022-05-05 13:20:03

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