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News archive

Participate in the events of the Service for Students with Disabilities and SLD

The meetings are aimed at high school students with SLD who wish to enroll at the University of Bologna.

Published on 12 April 2024

Call for applications for MAECI

The call for applications for 14 curricular internships at Italian schools abroad, is now online.

Published on 12 April 2024

Call for applications to Erasmus + mobility for traineeship 2024/25

Would you like to broaden your curriculum by working abroad? Carry out a two/six month paid internship in a European Union country. Apply by 13 May.

Published on 06 April 2024

Inside Mediaset: the workplace beyond the screen

On April 17th, Mediaset will be our host

Published on 05 April 2024

Call for application Dissertation abroad

Scholarship for Final dissertation abroad. Deadline April 3rd h. 01 p.m.

Published on 25 March 2024

Some benefits for your free time

If you study at the University of Bologna, you are entitled to discounted tickets for theatre performances, film festivals, museum visits, and much more. Discover all the initiatives.

Published on 22 March 2024

Closure of administrative offices for Easter holidays

From the 29th of March to the 1st of April

Published on 21 March 2024

Doing Business: Instructions for Use

Join the 8-lesson introductory entrepreneurship course organized in collaboration with AlmaCube. Classes will begin on 25 March. Sign up by 21 March.

Published on 18 March 2024

Graduation sessions on March 19th 2024

Final Summon

Published on 14 March 2024

Collegio Superiore: call for applications is online

Students who enrol may submit their applications to the Collegio Superiore. Deadline: 15 April.

Published on 11 March 2024

Call for applications 2023/24 for interventions in favour of students in difficulty

Take part in the call if you are studying at Unibo and are experiencing personal, family or economic hardship. Deadline: 25 March.

Published on 27 February 2024

Online pathway to prepare for the language test

If you have to take a language test the University Language Centre offers you the opportunity to access the self-study material and to be assisted by language tutors.

Published on 27 February 2024