Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Civil Engineering

Programme aims

The 2ndcycle degree programme aims to produce specialist, professional figures fortechnical and organisational roles in working contexts demanding knowledge ofmethodological and operative aspects of basic sciences and engineering,privileging the specific aspects of civil engineering but without neglectingother more general areas.
The degreeprogramme aims to produce highly qualified professionals in great demand bothlocally and nationally. These outcomes are achieved through a teachingprogramme based on a solid background in physics and mathematics, completed inthis 2nd cycle degree programme by some specific course units, theacquisition of professional and practical skills in all specific disciplines ofCivil Engineering, and in particular the design, execution, management and monitoringof civil building works, hydraulic works, infrastructures, transport systems,geotechnical works, territorial projects and surveying in territorial and urbanareas.
The selectedcore learning activities aim to provide skills in the analysis of advancedmethodological and operational procedures applied to civil engineeringsciences:
- specialisttraining in structural engineering, the instruments and methodologies of whichare particularly applied to the analysis of the design, conservation and recoveryof works, as well as safety;
- specialistcompetences in the field of hydraulic infrastructure engineering;
-interdisciplinary learning in the design of off-shore structures for energyproduction and mining. The curriculum provides ampleroom for autonomous learning activities, including exercises and laboratorywork allowing students to develop strong skills in the design, execution,management and monitoring of even highly complex works. The programme isdelivered entirely in the English language, targeting foreign students andItalian students wishing to study in an international context. The programmealso includes the possibility to spend a period of study abroad.