Admission to the second cycle degree/two year master in Philology, Literature and Classic Tradition requires possession of a bachelor's degree or three-year university diploma, or any other degree obtained abroad, recognised as suitable. Additionally, candidates must meet the curricular requirements and pass the assessment of personal knowledge and skills. Curricular requirements:A 1st cycle degree in one of the following classes, or other suitable qualification obtained abroad: Pursuant to D.M. 270/04:L-1 (Cultural Heritage), L-3 (Drama, Art and Music Studies and Fashion), L-5 (Philosophy),…
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Admission to the second cycle degree/two year master in Philology, Literature and Classic Tradition requires possession of a bachelor's degree or three-year university diploma, or any other degree obtained abroad, recognised as suitable. Additionally, candidates must meet the curricular requirements and pass the assessment of personal knowledge and skills. Curricular requirements:A 1st cycle degree in one of the following classes, or other suitable qualification obtained abroad: Pursuant to D.M. 270/04:L-1 (Cultural Heritage), L-3 (Drama, Art and Music Studies and Fashion), L-5 (Philosophy), L-6 (Geography), L-10 (Arts), L-11 (Modern Languages and Cultures), L-12 (Linguistic Mediation), L-19 (Education Sciences), L-20 (Communication Science), L-42 (History)Pursuant to D.M. 509/99:Class 3 (Linguistic Mediation Sciences), Class 5 (Arts), Class 11 (Modern Languages and Cultures), Class 13 (Cultural Heritage Sciences), Class 14 (Communication Sciences), Class 18 (Education Sciences), Class 23 (Drama, Art and Music Studies and Fashion Sciences and Technologies), Class 29 (Philosophy), Class 30 (Geographical Sciences), Class 38 (Historical Sciences),- or other suitable qualification obtained abroad. Additionally, candidates must have acquired at least 54 CFU in the following Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD):L-ANT/02, (Greek history)L-ANT/03, (Roman history) L-ANT/07, (Classic Archaeology)L-ART, (History of arts)L-FIL-LET/02, (Greek language and literature) L-FIL-LET/04, (Latin language and literature) L-FIL-LET/05, (Classical philology) L-FIL-LET/10, (Italian literature) L-FIL-LET/11, (Contemporary Italian literature) L-FIL-LET/12, (Italian linguistics) L-FIL-LET/14, (Literary criticism and Contemporary literature)L-LIN/01 (Glottology and linguistics) L-LIN/02, (Didactics of modern languages)M-FIL, (Philosophy)M-GGR/01, (Geography) M-GGR/02, (Economic and political geography)M-STO, (History)Of which at least 24 CFU in the following in the Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD):6 CFU in L-FIL-LET/02 (Greek language and literature) 6 CFU in L-FIL-LET/04 (Latin language and literature) 6 CFU in L-FIL-LET/02 (Greek language and literature) and/or L-FIL-LET/04 (Latin language and literature) 6 CFU in L-ANT/02 (Greek history) and/or L-ANT/03 (Roman history)If candidates are in possession of a previous four-year degree programme or other suitable qualification obtained abroad, a special Admissions session may be held, with a Board appointed to assess the candidates' personal competencies and skills based on the candidate's curriculum.Assessment of personal competencies and skillsAdmission to the master's degree programme requires candidates to pass an assessment of personal competencies that will be held according to the methods defined in the degree programme teaching regulations.