Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Science of Climate


Professional profiles

professional profile


Function in a professional context:
This professional figure, within-depth knowledge of the physics of the climate system, contributes to original research activities for the development of new theories and innovative approaches to climate studies. They develop and use climate projection models and correctly interpret the results; they also liaise with the scientific community and private and public institutions working in the planning of sensitive activities and/or those with impacts on the climate system. They propose and coordinate national research projects (PRIN, PNRA) and European projects (framework programmes, ERC).

Competencies associated to the function:
Climatologists have a solid grounding in the physics of climate systems, know the main mechanisms of interaction between the system components and the main characteristics of each one. They have knowledge of basic physics of the main climatic models and are able to correctly interpret the results. They are also familiar with the most advanced approaches for processing large datasets. They are familiar with the national and international research environment, and can establish cooperation and coordinate common activities.

Abilities and skills:
Climatologists are able to understand the results offered by scientific literature, interpreting them correctly also using machine learning systems and artificial intelligence to analyse data. They are able to effectively communicate the results of research to both colleagues and a broader audience of non-specialists. They develop innovative teaching methods using the technological means available and the results of research and are able to keep abreast of the most advanced strategies for mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. They are able to provide consultancy and develop action plans to mitigate the impacts and design adaptations to climate change.

Career opportunities:
This professional figure can work both in scientific research and in public and private sectors. For example, this professional figure may be employed in production and services companies using climatic data (e.g., energy production, farms, insurance, transport operations, tourism, etc.). The competences acquired can also be used in Ministries, for the territorial protection, the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture, etc.
Access to the geologist profession is possible only for graduates in class LM-79 and not to graduates in class LM-17.

Climate change expert

Function in a professional context:
With their multidisciplinary competences, these professional figures intervene in the definition of strategies for businesses, institutions and services on issues relating the climate change. They provide solutions based on the knowledge of scientific literature and the results of international research on problems relating to the impacts of climate change on business activities. They liaise with experts from other disciplines and are able to summarise indications from various approaches. They participate in forecasting activities, adapting even short-term climatic projections and forecasts (from seasonal to decadal) to the type of user or service. They contribute to the definition and development of specific products for the type of user of the service or the company.

Competencies associated to the function:
Climate change experts have a solid grounding in the physics of the climate system, but are sufficiently familiar with other components of the system. They have the knowledge required to assess the impact of climate change on the specific activities of the body/service/company they work for. They know the main climatic models and can correctly interpret the results, understanding the strategies required to adapt them to the needs of the users.

Abilities and skills:
This professional figure is able to understand the results given in scientific literature and interpret them correctly. They can use forecasting models, adapting them to multidisciplinary applications also using machine learning and artificial intelligence systems to analyse simulations and data. They are able to assess strategies for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change considering the multidisciplinary aspects of the problem. They are able to use a suitable language for relating to users of all levels.

Career opportunities:
Climate change experts can hold significant roles in companies (farms, transport companies, tourism industries, energy production and transformation companies, the food industry, insurance and re-insurance undertakings), environmental protection agencies and “climate services” (reclamation bodies, ARPA, Italia Meteo, maritime and air navigation services companies).
Access to the geologist profession is possible only for graduates in class LM-79 and not to graduates in class LM-17.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.