Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Cesena Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Computer Science and Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

  • Programme type Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Cesena
  • Language English, Italian
  • Type of access Open access with assessment of personal competencies
  • Degree Programme Class LM-18 - Computer science
    LM-32 - Computer systems engineering
  • Degree Programme Director Mirko Viroli
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams

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Curriculum in Intelligent Embedded Systems

The Computer Science and Engineering programme is held in Italian, but the the programme also offers an international curriculum held in English, called Intelligent Embedded Systems.

For all the details about the Intelligent Embedded Systems curriculum, visit the website dedicated to the curriculum:

curriculum in Intelligent Embedded Systems

Programme aims

The 2nd cycle degree programme in Computer Science and Engineering aims specifically to train professional specialists, as described i the list of functions and competences for this figure. The specific learning outcomes are achieved through a curriculum focusing on three main learning areas, consistent with the competences required by the professional profiles which aim to provide learning in products, processes and management: 1. Specialist transversal computer skills 2. Analysis, design and management of computer, web and network systems 3. Design of embedded systems and… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission requirements for the degree programme To be able to profitably follow the 2nd cycle degree programme in Computer Science and Engineering, students must possess the following knowledge: - university-level knowledge of mathematics and physics (SSD MAT01 MAT09, FIS01 FIS03), - university-level knowledge of computing (SSD INF01, ING-INF05) - knowledge of the English language to level B1. Admission to the 2nd cycle degree programme is subject to the possession of the following curricular requirements: 1. A 1st cycle degree in on of the following classes, or other suitable… Read more