The Computer Science and Engineering Master Degree Programme has 2 curricula:
Admission requirements for the degree programme
To be able to profitably follow the 2nd cycle degree programme in Computer Science and Engineering,
students must possess the following knowledge:
- university-level knowledge of mathematics and physics (SSD MAT01 MAT09, FIS01 FIS03),
- university-level knowledge of computing (SSD INF01, ING-INF05)
- knowledge of the English language to level B1.
Admission to the 2nd cycle degree programme is subject to the possession of the following curricular requirements:
1. A 1st cycle degree in on of the following classes, or other suitable qualification
obtained abroad:
ex Italian Ministerial Decree no. 270:
L-31: Computer sciences and technologies
L-8: Computer Engineering
ex. Italian Ministerial Decree no. 509/99:
L-26: Computer sciences and technologies
L-9: Computer Engineering
Degree from the previous four-year / five-year system in:
Information Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Telecommunications Engineering
If none of the above degrees have been obtained, admission to a 2nd Cycle Degree Programme is subject to the demonstration of the required skills and knowledge, assessed by a Board based on the analysis of the CV and an interview, the methods, criteria and procedures of which will be set by the Degree Programme Board and published on the University portal.
Admission to the 2nd cycle degree programme is in any case subject to the possession of the described curricular requirements and the assessment of the students' personal competencies and skills, based on the analysis of the candidates' curriculum, which may be followed by an interview, the methods, criteria and procedures of which will be set by the Degree Programme Board and published in advance on the University portal.
Admission to the degree programme is subject to the assessment of knowledge and skills in the English language. The Degree Programme may require students to recover any initial deficit in their language skills if they are assessed to below level B1 on admission.
A special Admissions session may be held for international students, with a Board appointed to assess the candidates' personal competencies and skills; this session will be compatible with the schedule established in the call for applications for study grants (which indicatively expires in May).
International students who pass the above-mentioned assessment are exempted from the following assessment of their personal competencies and skills required for other students.