Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Criminology for Investigation and Security

Criminology for Investigation and Security

Programme aims

The 2ndcycle degree programme in Criminology for Investigation and Security providesgraduates with the theoretical and practical tools to work in criminologyfields, based on modern investigative techniques and appropriate competences inthe methods of security and crime prevention. For this purpose, the programmeincludes learning activities in: criminology; the study of the institutionalframework for the prevention of criminal deviance and local and nationalsecurity policies; the study of subjects that provide an understanding ofcriminal phenomena, including public economics, psychology,… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the 2nd cycle degree programme is subject to thepossession of a 1st cycle degree, or other suitable qualification obtainedabroad, in one of the following subject areas: anthropology, communication,culture, economics, law, politology, psychology, sociology, health, history. To be able to profitably follow the 2nd cycle degree programme inCriminology for Investigation and Security, students must have: - knowledge of a European Union language: to at least B1 of theEuropean reference framework, or 8 CFU in a European language, also throughlaboratory activities; … Read more