For admission tothe second cycle degree/two year master in Digital Innovation Policesand Governance, candidates must meet the curricular requirements and pass theassessment of personal knowledge and skills.
As regards thecurricularr equirements, candidates shall possess a first cycle degree, asingle cycle degree or five-year degree from an Italian university orequivalent academic qualification obtained abroad, in one of the followingclasses:
Degree systemaccording to D.M.270:
L-1 Culturalheritage
L-4 Industrialdesign
L-5 Philosophy
L-8 Informationtechnology engineering
L-10 Humanities
L-11 Modernlanguages and civilisations
L-14 Legal services
L-16 Administration
L-17 Architecture
L-18 BusinessAdministration
L-20 Communication
L-21 Town, regionaland environmental planning
L-24 Psychology
L-31 ComputerScience
L-33 Economics
L-35 Mathematics
L-36 Political Scienceand International Relations
L-37 Peace Studies
L-40 Sociology
L-41 Statistics
LM-4 Architectureand Architectural engineering
LMG-01 Law
- Pursuant toItalian Min. Decree509/99 and the previous degree system: degree programmeclasses deemed equivalent to the Min. Dec. 270/04 classes indicated above,pursuant to the Inter-ministerial Decree dated 9 July 2009.
- Foreignqualifications: anassessment committee will check correspondence with the Min.Decree 270/04classes indicated above.
Knowledge of theEnglish languageto at least CEFR level B2 is also required.
Admission to thesecond cycle degree/two year master programme requires candidates to pass anassessment ofpersonal competencies that will be held according to the methodsdefined in the degree programme teaching regulations.
The second cycledegree/two year master in Digital Innovation Polices and Governance (GePID)sets out to respond to one of the most urgent challenges faced today by publicinstitutions: the training of digital administration specialists for both thecentral and peripheral Public Administration and for the private organisationsinteracting with them. These specialists will be able to assess how and to whatextent digital technologies can be integrated into the reference organisationand create value in the Public Administration (PA), with benefits for allcitizens.
2nd cycle graduatesin Digital Innovation Polices and Governance know, understand and apply:
- specific notionson the on Public Administration operating methods;
- the foundationsof data science and its application to administrative contexts, particularly asa support fordecision making;
- knowledge ofscientific areas not strictly linked to computing, such as statistics;
- fundamental knowledge of IT sectors includingprogramming, IT infrastructure management (e.g. clouds),software engineering;
- specificknowledge fordesigning and managing processes of organisational andtechnological change inrelation to the digital transition of the PA;
- specific knowledgeforre-engineering procedures and re-designing methods, instruments and channelsfor the provision of services to citizens.
The knowledge is achieved through participation inlectures, practical exercises and laboratories, supervised individual study andindividual study provided for in the learning activities.Learning outcomes areassessed mainly through written and oral exams.
At the end of theprogramme, graduates will be able to:
- Competentlyintegrate their knowledge in the main sectors of computing and the digitalworld in social, organisational, political and administrative fields;
- Implement astrategic vision of the digital transformation of public services and offices;
- Facilitate theuse of large quantities of data and IT systems available today for PA decisionmaking;
- Plan andcoordinate the use of IT systems in administrative fields, supporting processre-engineering;
- Coordinate thedevelopment of software platforms and services to be used in the PAorganisation.
The programme coversfoursemesters common to all students, acquiring a total of 120 CFU.
To allow theenrolled students to acquire the multi-disciplinary basic knowledge demanded ofthe programme, the study plan includes the possibility at the start to choose acourse unit aiming to complete and ensure all the basic knowledge required todevelop a learning path covering a series of course units that are mandatoryfor all students as well as complementary courses linked to specific studies inthe field of IT technologies, social and political science and methodologicaland statistical fields.
During the firstsemester of the first year, the students will therefore sit an introductoryexam, differentiated on the basis of previous first cycle degrees, to fill anybasic gaps in the field eitherof computer and data science or social andpolitical science. They will thenfollow two mandatory course units in socialscience, to acquire basic competences in public management and understand thegovernance of innovation inthe public administration, as well as a laboratoryto acquire knowledge of computer programming in Python.
During the second semester of the first year, thestudents will sit a mandatory exam in the field of Computer science, showingtheir ability to present lean analytical and development methods working in ateam, useful for developing software products for digitaltransformation.Furthermore, they will sit two more mandatory exams in theanalysis and evaluation of public policies and public administration law. In addition tothis, other learningactivities cover the field of social science, chosen from a list of options.
In the second year,the students sit two more mandatory exams in the IT and data science area, tocomplete their baggage of knowledge. Students shall also customise theircurriculum by acquiring knowledge in other subject areas, with two learningactivities chosen from a list of course units covering social sciences and ITsubjects.
During the secondyear students will also attend a laboratory, chosen from a range of options,providing functional competences for the preparation of the final examination.Finally, preparing for the final examination students can also undertake aninternship or other experience for preparing the dissertation, also abroad.
The learningoutcomes are achieved through a programme in which most of the course units aredivided into two modules. The first module introduces the topic and thetheoretical contributions, concepts and instruments of the subject.Subsequently, following the lectures, the second module involves theintervention of professionals andexperts who have already led or implementeddigitalisation projects andprocesses in various areas of the PA. This methodfacilitates the transitionfrom theoretical and methodological learning toconcrete application.
As part of the corelearning activities, the above skills are acquired through the criticalreflection on the texts proposed for individual study, stimulated by classroomactivities, case studies and practical applications discussed by the teachers,laboratory work and individual and/or group projects. Aiming to verify theacquisition of these abilities, the tests, written and/or oral exams, reports,practical workin class and at home, imply the execution of specific tasks whichaim to demonstrate the student's command of tools, methods and criticalautonomy.