Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Digital Transformation Management

Why should you choose Digital Transformation Management?

Get to know DTM!

What is Digital Transformation?

The Digital Transformation process is a key element for the public and corporate context.

Indeed, international surveys suggest that up to 98% of companies believe that digital transformation and innovation are fundamental components of their business plan and up to 90% of companies are currently investing in it.

However, only 53% of businesses are ready to design and manage this transformation. Specifically, one of the main limitations is the lack of professionals having both IT and business expertise. This new type of position plays a crucial role in the digital transformation process that is already happening and that is going to become more and more important and strategic in the next future.

A Digital Transformation manager aims to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of companies exploiting the possibilities offered by the new technologies based on companies' business plans.

Differences between the MA in Digital Transformation Management and other courses

The Digital Transformation Management course offers a unique learning experience.

With respect to traditional Data Science courses, the DTM course does not only focus on data acquisition and process,  but it also includes analysis and topics that usually belong to the business management world, such as Innovation Strategy, Finance, Business Models and Intelligence, in addition to fundamentals in Finance and Banking.

With respect to traditional Business courses, the DTM course provides strong IT skills. Therefore, a Digital Transformation manager knows the main programming and computer architecture paradigms, database systems and cybersecurity. In addition, the last achievements in the research fields of Machine Learning, Big Data and Cloud Platforms are provided.

Why should you study at the University of Bologna?

The University of Bologna is considered as the most ancient university in the western world. Over time, it has been the destination of several researchers and eminent guests, becoming an international and national reference point for the academic world.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) boasts interdisciplinary courses, merging learning experiences of Computer Science, Economics and Law.

As a student, you can use several online services provided by the University of Bologna.