- When are the applications open?
The applications are open three times a year according to the following timetable:
Applications 2023-2024 — Health Economics, Management and Policy - Curriculum - Bologna (unibo.it).
Please notice that non-EU students can apply only to first two intakes (the second one is only in case of available positions).
- Can I apply "outside" the application periods?
No. You must apply while the applications are open.
- Can I apply even if I have a different background from the ones expressed in the Call for Application?
No. You can apply only if you meet the criteria expressed in the Call for Application.
- Can I apply even if I am not graduated yet or I still have not received my diploma?
Yes, you can still apply as long as you are planning to effectively graduate in time for the enrolment period. For example, If you plan to apply in January, but will graduate in July, you can still fill out the application. At the time of the application you will need a document (e.g. Transcript of Records) that shows the exams that you have done until that moment. Once you graduate, you can send your diploma to finish the enrolment procedure.
In the case that you apply and get accepted, but do not graduate in time (enrolment periods usually ends in mid December of the same year). Then you will lose the spot.
- Can I use a Duolingo test as a language certificate?
No, a Duolingo test is not considered as a substitute for the language requirement certification.
- Which is the minimum level of English to apply to this Master?
The minimum level required is a B2 proficiency in English. Internationally recognised certificated are accepted (IELTS, TOEFL, CAMBRIDGE English Language Assessment, Trinity College London). As long as the level B2 is certified, also:
- English language exam B2 level from your University (PLEASE NOTE: an English language exam, not a general exam IN English language).
Remember to write it in your CV as well.
- Which is the maximum amount of taxes that I will pay for this Master?
The maximum amount and fees are expressed in the following page: Tasse a.a. 2023/24 — Università di Bologna (unibo.it)
- Can I apply "outside" the time threshold expressed in the three intakes?
No, you can only apply when the intakes are open.
- What happens after I have been accepted to HEMAP?
Once you receive your e-mail confirmation, your place is locked. The next step is to enrol. Enrolments will open at the end of July.
- I won a scholarship, but I have not received any e-mail. What can I do?
After the ranking are published, confirmation and scholarship e-mails will be sent out in the following weeks.
- Are there any opportunities to work for the University?
Yes, the waivers are published in the Studenti Online wepage in the "calls" section.
- Is there a solution for working students?
Yes, you can ask for the part-time student status. More information on: Prolungare la durata degli studi: studente a tempo parziale — Università di Bologna (unibo.it)
- When will classes start?
Detailed class timetables are published here.
For general reference, usually the classes start around the beginning of the third week of September.
- How can I enrol to the exams?
Through your personal webpage "Studenti Online" in the section "AlmaEsami".
- Is there usually a fair or an online event through which I can discover more about the program?
Yes, there is usually an OpenDay at the end of January. Check out the news and event section.
- Where can I find more information about Erasmus and other Mobility programs?
Here: https://www.unibo.it/it/internazionale/studiare-all-estero/erasmus .