Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Food animal metabolism and management in the circular economy

English language requirement for admission

How to prove your knowledge of the English language.

To be admitted to the degree programme, you must demonstrate that you have a knowledge of the English language of at least level B2 (CEFR).

Find out how you can meet the English language requirement.

English language certificates


You can upload a recognized certificate of knowledge of the English language to Studenti Online when registering for the selection.

If you participate in more than one selection, you must upload the certificate in all applications.

The certificate must be gained from 1 January 2023.

English language test 

You can sit an English language test (OOPT) organized by the University of Bologna.

The Online Oxford Placement Test (OOPT) aims at ascertaining the possession of an adequate lexical background and the main grammatical structures of the English language, useful for addressing the study and deepening of the contents related to the university experience.

You can meet the language requirement passing the OPT with at least level B2.

Other ways of fulfilling the requirement

You can also meet the language requirement if:

  • you have a High School or Bachelor's degree taught in English language