Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Food animal metabolism and management in the circular economy

Final examination: modalities

To graduate, you have to sit a final examination designed to verify that you have reached the education objectives set by the Degree Programme.

The final examination consists in writing a text in English, under the guidance of a supervisor and then presenting it in a public debate in front of a Committee.

The score will be given based on the investigation work, the deepness of the subject, the re-elaboration, the writing style and the way the subject will be presented during the debate.

For this purpose, the Coordinator of the Programme undergoes the thesis to a colleague (Assistant Supervisor) who is competent in a subject related to the one treated, for its evaluation.

The Assistant Supervisor (who does not necessarily have to be present during the public debate) expresses a written assessment on the thesis, on a suitable template.

This template takes into consideration the level of completeness, deepness, exposition, updates on the subject and the experimental part, and also the quality of editing and bibliography.

The Committee expresses an assessment out of 110 points. The examination is passed with a minimum grade of 66/110.

The highest grade the Committee can give is 9 points, composed of 3 points given by the Assistant Supervisor, and 6 points given by the Committee, which will have to consider the Supervisor judgement. Moreover, for dissertation with a high scientific value, undertaken in foreign validated institutions, it will be possible to give one additional point (up to a maximum of 10 points as final grade). In case of maximum grade (110/110), The Committee can decide to give the cum laude in a unanimously, if the study career presents a weighted average of 28/30, net of rounded numbers, if the Assistant Supervisor has assigned at least 2 points, and if there are other cum laude marks in the student’s career.

The final examination can be associated to an internship project or activity.

Graduation application

To submit your application online, you must access Studenti Online before the deadlines set for the application submission and the requirements.

Admission Requirements

In order to graduate, you must have:

  • sat all the exams in your study plan and passed and recorded them;
  • paid all tuition fees;
  • uploaded the dissertation in pdf format on Studenti Online. The dissertation can be uploaded multiple times, until the requirements deadline expires. When uploading the dissertation, the system will ask you to enter some key words and a brief abstract; filled out the Alma Laurea questionnaire on Studenti Online.

The Student Administration Office will verify all requirements and will contact you if there are any issues, to allow you to regularize your position before the final examination.

The graduation application is valid for just one graduation session. If you graduate in a later session, you will have to re-submit your graduation application and pay only the duty stamp.


One graduation session is scheduled each year. The session includes a number of dates, each with their deadlines for the submission of the graduation application, requirements and dates.

Information on writing a dissertation

For information on how to write a dissertation see the webpage.