Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Geography and Territorial Processes

Geography and Territorial Processes

Geography and Territorial Processes

Attention: while the information below is in English to facilitate an understanding of the Degree’s structure, its purpose, and learning objectives, the Degree is ONLY IN ITALIAN, and to attend it, it is mandatory previous knowledge of the language.


The Master's Degree in Geography and Spatial Processes of the University of Bologna trains professional geographers to acquire and be able to utilize the geographical tools needed to understand the underlying processes enacted within territories and landscapes, their transformation, valorization and representation. Geography skills are acquired through the study of historical, cultural, political, economic and technical subjects that enable the use and processing of general and thematic cartography and geographic information systems (GIS).

The Degree aims to introduce students to the professions of Geographer, Cartographer and Specialized Editor, through a course of study that covers three areas of learning:

-methodologies and techniques of geographic representation;

-geographical theories and models;

- related subjects in history, politics, economics, law, sociology and psychology, which are necessary for a more complete understanding of geographical knowledge and skills in the contemporary world.


How to enrol to the course

Information is available in the Italian version of the page. Further details and a summary of all deadlines can be found in the Admission Notice that is published in June-July on the same page. Also, on the "Course Tutors" page the tutor's contacts are available. Tutors are the main point of reference for students who seek information on dealing general activities related to their course, academic staff, administrative and practical information.


To be admitted to the Master's Degree Course in Geography and Territorial Processes it is essential to have a good knowledge of the Italian language, and to have acquired skills in the field of geographical, historical-territorial, environmental, cultural and natural heritage studies and territorial planning.

In the absence of possession of the degree and/or the above-mentioned credits, admission to the Master's degree course is subject to a preliminary assessment by a Commission that verifies possession of the required knowledge and skills through an interview.

In the Italian University system, class attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended.


Useful links:

You may find all information on the enrolment of international students here:

Programme aims

The Master's degree in geography trains professional Geographers and Cartographers.There are three different specialisations:- methods and techniques of geographical representation: cartography, statistical demography.- geographical theory and methodology: this includes the exploitation of geography in different spatial and historical contexts.- geography in its relation with politics, economy and the society.A professional geographer requires a multi-disciplinary profile and cross competences, as well as strong interpersonal skills for interacting in heterogeneous working groups.Geographical… Read more

Admission requirements

Curricular requirements, competence and skills evaluation Admission to the Master's degree in Geography and Territorial Processes requires the possession of appropriate competences in geography, history, territorial and environmental studies, cultural studies and land planning.Master's degree candidates must have completed:a) A bachelor in all degree programmes (ex D.M. 270/04, ex D.M. 509/99, ex D.M. 508/99) or a degree with the previous degree programme systems, antecedent to D.M. 509/99.orb) A bachelor obtained in another country and approved in ItalyIn both cases, candidates must have… Read more