Curriculum Global change ecology and sustainable development goals
Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Sciences and Management of Nature

Curriculum Global change ecology and sustainable development goals: for students enrolled a.y. 2023-24

First Year

1) Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88263 Statistical Analysis and Modelling 1 B SECS-S/01 6

2) Discipline Group: Biology (12 CFU)

Choose 2 Courses among the following:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88265 Animal Diversity and Distribution in a Changing Climate 1 B BIO/05 6
88848 Plant Interactions with Global Change 1 B BIO/01 6
88267 Animal Adaptation to Climate Change 2 B BIO/09 6
88266 Human Adaptive Interactions to Changing Environment 2 B BIO/08 6

3) Discipline Group: Ecology (12 CFU)

Choose 2 Courses among the following:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88272 Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Society and Marine Ecosystems 1 B BIO/07 6
88386 Global Change of Human-Modified Ecosystems 1 B BIO/07 6
88271 Monitoring Ecosystem Changes and Functioning - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 B BIO/03 6
88270 Biogeography and Macroecology 2 B BIO/03 6

4) Discipline Group: Earth Science (12 CFU)

Choose 2 Courses among the following:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
95988 Coastal Systems and Global Change 1 B GEO/02 6
88275 Geosystems Response to Quaternary Global Changes - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 B GEO/01 6
88274 Protection and Contamination of Groundwater Resources 2 B GEO/05 6
91412 Volcanic Hazards and Environmental Impact 2 B GEO/08 6

5) Discipline Group: Management and Policies (12 CFU)

Choose 2 Courses among the following:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
88268 Environmental and Resouce Economics 1 B SECS-P/01 6
87167 International Development Economics 1 B SECS-P/01 6
47311 Corporate Social Responsibility 2 B SECS-P/07 6
88269 Politics and Society in the Global World - Not available for the year  2024/2025 2 B SPS/08 6

6) Elective Learning Activities (12 CFU)

Choose 2 Courses among the following:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
93723 PLANNING IN A CHANGING CLIMATE - Not available for the year  2024/2025 1 C ICAR/20 6
70040 Resources and Recycling 1 C ING-IND/29 6
88276 Sustainable Food Technologies 1 C AGR/15 6
88648 Agricultural and Food Policies A C AGR/01 6

7) Free Choice Learning Activities (max limit 50 CFU)

Free choice activities can be chosen during the first or the second year. Students can choose at least 18 CFU among the following courses or among the ones not previously chosen in Groups 2-3-4-5-6 during the First Year.
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
91409 Divulgation and Scientific Journalism 1 D M-STO/05 6
85490 Politics and Development in the Global World 1 D SPS/04 6
85518 Public Law and Protection of Fundamental Rights 1 D IUS/09 6
88435 Technology Entrepreneurship 1 D ING-IND/35 6
96020 The Earth Climate System and Climate Change 2 D GEO/12 6
93460 Urban Agriculture 2 D AGR/04 6
88338 Laboratory of Plant Conservation E D BIO/02 6

Second Year

A) Compulsory Learning Activities

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
85201 Internship T F 6


As part of their final exam, students may choose to carry out practical and research activities within companies/institutions external to Unibo, or within Unibo laboratories. Such preparatory activities may be registered in students’ records to specify the type of work carried out., either on a pass/fail basis or with a grade, depending on the cases. Students may therefore choose to carry out their final exam only or the final exam + an activity, to be chosen among: internship for the preparation of the final thesis, internship for the preparation abroad of the final thesis, or preparation abroad of the final thesis.
GROUP 1 (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
86301 Final Examination
The activity does not imply your continuous presence in Unibo premises nor at external companies/institutions.
1 E 30
GROUP 2 (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
60750 Final examination
The activity does not imply your continuous presence in Unibo premises nor at external companies/institutions.
2 E 6
91232 Internship Abroad for the Preparation of the Final Examination
If you select this activity, you intend to enter a competition for international mobility (e.g. Thesis Abroad, Erasmus+, etc.) or to start an internship by applying on SOL – Internship (to know more go on your degree course’s website > homepage > studying>internship for the preparation of the final thesis.
2 E 24
91228 Internship for the Preparation of the Final Examination
If you select this activity, you intend to start an internship by applying on SOL – Internship (to know more go on your degree course’s website > homepage > studying>internship for the preparation of the final thesis.
2 E 24
90053 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad
If you select this activity, you intend to enter a competition for international mobility (e.g. Thesis Abroad, Erasmus+, etc.). You will agree with your thesis supervisor the company/institution who will host you and the activities to carry out.
2 E 24
GROUP 3 (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
89774 Final Examination (12 CFU)
The activity does not imply your continuous presence in Unibo premises nor at external companies/institutions.
2 E 12
94535 Internship Abroad for the Preparation of the Final Examination (18 CFU)
If you select this activity, you intend to enter a competition for international mobility (e.g. Thesis Abroad, Erasmus+, etc.) or to start an internship by applying on SOL – Internship (to know more go on your degree course’s website > homepage > studying>internship for the preparation of the final thesis.
2 E 18
94536 Internship for the Preparation of the Final Examination (18 CFU)
If you select this activity, you intend to start an internship by applying on SOL – Internship (to know more go on your degree course’s website > homepage > studying>internship for the preparation of the final thesis.
2 E 18
94534 Preparation of the Final Examination Abroad (18 CFU)
If you select this activity, you intend to enter a competition for international mobility (e.g. Thesis Abroad, Erasmus+, etc.). You will agree with your thesis supervisor the company/institution who will host you and the activities to carry out.
2 E 18
GROUP 4 (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 30/09/2024 - 17/01/2025 2: 24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025 A: 01/03/2024 - 10/03/2024 E: 30/09/2024 - 13/06/2025 T: 30/09/2024 - 01/10/2024 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
94533 Final Examination (18 CFU)
The activity does not imply your continuous presence in Unibo premises nor at external companies/institutions.
2 E 18
94537 Internship Abroad for the Preparation of the Final Examination (12 CFU)
If you select this activity, you intend to enter a competition for international mobility (e.g. Thesis Abroad, Erasmus+, etc.) or to start an internship by applying on SOL – Internship (to know more go on your degree course’s website > homepage > studying>internship for the preparation of the final thesis.
2 E 12
94538 Internship for the Preparation of the Final Examination(12 CFU)
If you select this activity, you intend to start an internship by applying on SOL – Internship (to know more go on your degree course’s website > homepage > studying>internship for the preparation of the final thesis.
2 E 12
86266 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU)
If you select this activity, you intend to enter a competition for international mobility (e.g. Thesis Abroad, Erasmus+, etc.). You will agree with your thesis supervisor the company/institution who will host you and the activities to carry out.
2 E 12