The final examination
The final examination consists in writing a dissertation on a subject pertinent to your studies, elaborated in an original way, under the guidance of a supervisor. The dissertation will be discussed publicly during a specific final examination session in front of a Board.
The Board will assess your performance using your curriculum as a reference. During the dissertation discussion, you may use slides and the Commission may ask you in-depth questions on methods, results and any developments of your work
Graduation application
To submit your application online, you must access Studenti Online before the deadlines set for the application submission and the requirements.
Graduation applications require the payment of €32.00 in stamp duty (imposta di bollo).
Applications submitted after the ordinary deadline but within the final cut-off date (“scadenza tardiva con mora”) must be submitted with a €100.00 late fee.
Admission Requirements
In order to graduate, you must have:
- sat all the exams in your study plan and had them recorded;
- paid all tuition fees;
- uploaded the dissertation in pdf format on Studenti Online. The dissertation can be uploaded multiple times, until the requirements deadline expires. When uploading the dissertation, the system will ask you to enter some key words and a brief abstract;
- compiled the Alma Laurea questionnaire on Studenti Online.
The Student Administration Office will verify all requirements and will contact you if there are any issues, to allow you to regularise your position before the final examination.
Students who do not manage to graduate within the selected date must ask the Student Administration Office for an annulment and submit their application again for the following graduation dates, by the established deadlines, with no additional payment.
The renewal of the graduation application is necessary to graduate in an academic year that is subsequent to the one selected for the first time. This entails the payment of €16.00 in stamp duty (imposta di bollo).
Deadlines a.a. 2023/2024
Graduation dates are set during a single graduation session.
Online application for the final examination is open |
Deadline for the online application |
Deadline for the online application with extra fee |
Deadline for the obtainment of the graduation requirements |
Deadline for the thesis upload |
Deadline for the supervisor approval of the thesis |
Final examination date |
03/04/2024 |
19/05/2024 |
07/06/2024 |
18/06/2024 |
23/06/2024 |
28/06/2024 |
08-09/07/2024 |
01/07/2024 |
10/09/2024 |
30/09/2024 |
10/10/2024 |
15/10/2024 |
20/10/2024 |
30-31/10/2024 |
01/07/2024 |
20/10/2024 |
08/11/2024 |
19/11/2024 |
24/11/2024 |
29/11/2024 |
09-12/12/2024 |
09/12/2024 |
02/02/2025 |
21/02/2025 |
04/03/2025 |
09/03/2025 |
19/03/2025 |
24-25/03/2025 |
Thesis upload and metadata submission
Follow the instructions published on StudentiOnline.
Check the information to fill inthe AlmaLaurea survey here
Further information on the final thesis
Refer to the following University webpage to know more about the final exam.
Photographs and video recording during graduation session
Read carefully the information contained at the following page