Curriculum Global change ecology and sustainable development goals
Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Sciences and Management of Nature

Programme aims

The International Curriculum "Global Change Ecology & Sustainable Development Goals - GCE & SDG" aims to train a generation of scientists and managers able to analyze complex problems related to global change and to propose solutions for mitigation and adaptation with a multi-scale and multidisciplinary approach, applied to both natural and anthropized systems.This Curriculum, entirely given in English, offers a customised training programme based on the student's profile: students can choose different teachings, according to their aspirations, within biological, geological, ecological, technical and economic disciplines. The typical student of the Curriculum GCE&SDG is therefore a young man/woman aged 22-30, coming from different three-year degree programmes, sensitive to the ecological issues concerning the management of natural and environmental resources and the sustainable development of society in an era characterized by rapid global changes.

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Find out more about the Ministerial Single Annual Report (SUA-CdS - Single Annual Report on Degree Programmes)

Corso di Sciences and Management of Nature - codice 9257
The Degree Programme aims at training professionals able to analyse, restore and conserve biotic and abiotic components of natural and artificial ecosystems, working for entities, institutions and companies, and operating as experts in educational… Read more