Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Curriculum Global change ecology and sustainable development goals Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Sciences and Management of Nature


Professional profiles

Natural Environment Management and Conservation Expert

A Natural Environment Management and Conservation Expert is a professional figure that registers, analyses and draws plans to conserve and protect natural heritage, operating in a context characterised by anthropic impact on natural systems and by ecological and social factors largely influenced by the ongoing global changes.

The main activities within the working environment are connected with:

- basic and applied natural research;
- environmental, social, technical and technological research;
- analysis of the effects of global changes and development of environment sustainability plans;
- mitigation of global change effects.

These activities may be carried out:
- conducting a census of the natural heritage;
- developing monitoring plans;
- evaluating impact, recovering and managing the natural environment;
- applying environmental planning to a natural context;
- managing wildlife and conserving biodiversity;
- applying those aspects of environment legislation that require naturalistic skills, with particular reference to the studies on environmental impact (flora and fauna sector) and the assessment of their effects;
- compiling biological and abiological valuation maps, with the use of GISs and connected databases;
- organizing and managing scientific museums, aquariums, botanical gardens and natural parks;
- carrying out environment and natural educational activities, such as the creation of teaching material, including multimedia material for schools, universities, natural museums, parks, aquariums, and botanical gardens;
- planning and managing natural itineraries;
- raising awareness on environmental issues and promoting knowledge about nature.

Natural Environment Management and Conservation Experts have competencies connected with:

- the systematic analysis of the natural environment and its interactions, considered also from a historic and evolutionary point of view;
- the use of the scientific method of research and the knowledge required to apply it;
- the knowledge of the modern territory surveying systems and the statistical and computer programming techniques to analyse and store data;
- the ability to confront issues related to the management and conservation of the environment's qualities;
- the ability to communicate and manage natural and environmental information;
- the management of vegetation and wildlife and biodiversity conservation;
- the ability to operate autonomously, taking responsibility for projects and structures.

To carry out the above-mentioned functions and duties, Natural Environment Management and Conservation Experts will collaborate with self-employed professionals and public administration employees.

Main career opportunities include:

- entities, cooperatives and other organisations that operate in the natural and environmental education sector;
- agencies for the protection of the environment;
- companies operating in the environment protection and requalification sector;
- public entities;
- agencies consulting on political and economic issues;
- local entities and consortia that manage parks and protected areas;
- scientific museums and botanical gardens;
- educational institutions;
- agencies that assess and manage European projects;
- international organisations (e.g. ONU, EU, World Bank, FAO, non-governmental organisations).

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.