Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Greening Energy Market and Finance

Final examination: procedure and deadlines

The final examination is the activity that concludes your university career and is designed to verify the achievement of the course's educational objectives.

The final examination takes place according to pre-established procedures and timetables.

Procedures are explained in the following paragraphs. In the box below you will find the calendar with each deadlines according to your degree programme.

Department of Statistical Sciences

Deadlines for a.y. 2024/2025
Graduation Sessions Application  Late application (with € 100 extra fee) Admission requirements Deadline for uploading the final paper Deadline for supervisor's approval of the final paper Graduate committee members on StudentiOnline
First session (summer): from 18 to 24/07/2025 No lather than 20/05/2025 from 21 to 30/05/2025  24/06/2025 03/07/2025 07/07/2025 11/07/2025
Second session (autumn): from 27 to 31/10/2025 No lather than 12/09/2025 From 15 to 22/09/2025 30/09/2025 01/10/2025 15/10/2025 20/10/2025
Second session (autumn): from 17 to 23/12/2025 No lather than 16/10/2025 from 17 to 24/19/2025 10/11/2025 17/11/2025 24/11/2025 10/12/2025
Third session (winter):  from 23 to 27/03/2026 No lather than 23/01/2026 from 26/01/2026 to 06/02/2026 20/02/2026 06/03/2026 13/03/2026 16/03/2026

AMS - Master's degree theses repository

GrEnFIn activated AMS Tesi di Laurea,  the service dedicated to the collection, storage and on-line dissemination of degree dissertations in digital format.

This service contributes to the dissemination of the University's teaching activities on the web.

The institutional archive of dissertations, managed by the ABIS’s AlmaDL with the collaboration of the Libraries and Teaching secretariats of the degree programmes in the project, gathers and provides access to the dissertations presented at the University of Bologna since 2007.

The service aims to simplify administrative processes through the implementation of on-line procedures and the promotion of student works, by making available on the web the bibliographic description and, possible, the whole text, according to the chosen level of access.

If you are interested in this service, please find out all details here