Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Greening Energy Market and Finance

Getting ready: writing and grading information

Choosing the subject and the rules on preparing the dissertation for the final examination.

The basic editorial rules for writing the thesis are as follows:

- Pages of 32-35 lines, each of 65, 70 Times, Courier or Helvetica type characters;

- Writing on the front and back (mandatory); 

- Figures and tables in UNI format (A4, A3);

- Suitably sized container of the boards (A3 and correct thickness).

The final thesis allows to verify that the candidate is able to build a basic bibliography on the subject, to synthesize it and rework it in non-fiction form, in compliance with the editorial rules as well as to prove their level of learning with awareness, their critical and independent thinking in the elaboration of the issue.

Finally, the discussion of the thesis allows to evaluate the communication skills and the readiness of the candidate in replying to any questions or comments of the commission. From this perspective, it is possible to deduce what the overall vision and awareness of the candidate's interdisciplinary connections and synergies are.

The starting grade is made up of the sum of:

- Weighted average of the exams taken calculated on a 110 basis;

- Any praise (+0.33 for each praise);

- Mileage bonus: 

- Graduation in July: 1 point; 

- Graduation in October: 1 point; 

- Graduation in December: 1 point; 

- Graduation in March: no points

In determining the final grade, the Graduation Commission will evaluate the candidate's path as a whole: thesis, curriculum of completed studies, completion times of the university course, any transfers from another Course, applying specific rules. The evaluation of the commission is expressed in one hundred and ten (110). In the event of a positive evaluation, the test is passed with a minimum score of 66/110 and a maximum of 110/110. In the event of a maximum vote, the Commission can grant honors on a unanimous decision.

The criteria for the evaluation of the thesis are:

- Originality of the topic

- Methodological correctness

- Level of detail

- Adequacy of the writing and drafting of the paper

- Ability to exhibit and present the paper.

Having said this, the offices provide the commissions with a document, called graduation statino, which shows a starting average useful for the assessments of the teachers. With reference to the methods of calculating this average, several cases are distinguished:

1.1 - Previous regulations (before Ministerial Decree 509/99). The average of all useful exams is calculated. In the case of transfers and / or passages, the average of all useful exams will include both the exams taken in the last course and those recognized in the course of origin. Languages ​​supported after May 1997 do not go on average.

1.2 - New regulations (D.M. 509/99 and D.M. 270/04): degrees and specialist / master's degrees. The average of the marks in the exams taken is calculated and weighted with respect to the relative credits.

A 0.33 (1/3 of a point) is added to the average expressed in one hundred and ten for each honors achieved. The value resulting from the previous calculations is rounded to the nearest integer. Each candidate is assigned a co-examiner, chosen by the course coordinator based on the topic of the paper from among the teachers belonging to the course faculty or external to it. The supervisors (academic and professional) are informed about the assignment of the examiner well in advance to allow the candidate to have the latter copy of the thesis available in good time. The examiner takes part in the graduation session. Otherwise, they must send their opinion on the thesis to the president of the commission (by letter or email). The letter or email must be sent to the person in the Bureau who is in charge of the graduation commissions and attached to the material that is delivered to the President of the commission.

As a rule, a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 6 points can be attributed to the discussion of the thesis on the basis of a collective decision between the members of the commission, academic / professional and counter-rapporteurs. The need remains for the commission to express themselves unanimously in favor of the award of honors.