Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Greening Energy Market and Finance


Although mixing the three areas of competences, students will be able to choose a predominant one, being able to undertake one of three possible specializations, each of them with a specific focus on one of the tracks. The specializations result in three different curricula and they will allow the SEE to acquire knowledge in specific areas according to the market needs:

  1. SEE in Renewable technologies. This professional is expected to have an engineering degree as well as an economics & financial degree (or at least a major in these subject) as background and with this Master they will be able to specialize in the sustainable engineering technologies. The main subject will increase their knowledge of Renewable Energy and Climate and also provide them with financial and economics tools that can help them gain a 360 degrees vision about the energy market and the implication of the transition process in term of increased risk.
  2. SEE in Environmental Finance. This professional is expected to have a mathematics/physics degree as well as an economics & financial degree (or at least a major in these subjects) as background and with this Master will obtain a strong environmental knowledge that will advise companies how and where to invest and help them navigate in the energy transition. The main subject will increase their knowledge in risk and financial management associated with climate. The competences in financial engineering matter will allow to design contingent claims ad hoc able to provide useful hedging strategies.
  3. SEE in Climate&Business Science. This professional is expected to have an economics & financial degree as well as a business degree (or at least a major in these subjects) as background and with this Master they will obtain a deep economic perspective on the energy transition process and will be able to identify the best way to manage it. The main subject will give the student deeper understanding of Climate science, prediction and mitigation strategies.
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Corso di Greening Energy Market and Finance - codice 5885
Professional profiles professional profile Expert inSustainable Energy, specialised in the field of renewable technologies Function in aprofessional context: · guide businesses in theselection of the best… Read more