Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Industrial Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry

Programme aims

The master's degree programme sets out to produce the professional figure of Industrial Chemist with the theoretical and practical expertise required to work in multi-disciplinary work areas engaged in:- research,- development,- production,- quality and safety control,- application and commercialisation of materials or products for industry, agriculture, services or the consumer market.The master's graduates will be able to tackle problems dealing with the definition, design, development and industrial implementation of:- chemical, microbiological or enzymatic processes,- energy-production… Read more

Admission requirements

Admission to the two-year Master's programme in INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY requires possession of a bachelor's degree or three-year university diploma, or any other degree obtained abroad, recognised as suitable.Additionally, candidates must meet the curricular requirements and pass the assessment of personal competencies and skills.In order to successfully complete the second cycle degree programme in Industrial Chemistry, students must have acquired:- the ability to retrieve and process technical data on chemical reactions and processes;- the ability to understand the fundamentals of chemical… Read more