Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Information, Cultures and Media Organization

Curriculum Organizzazione e Media: for students enrolled a.y. 2023-24

First Year

01. Compulsory courses

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
93493 Economy of Media (LM) SECS-P/07 6
30085 English Language (LM) L-LIN/12 6
93498 Film and Television Production Culture (LM) I. C.
93499  Cultures of Film Production (LM) L-ART/06 6
93500  Cultures of Television Production (LM) L-ART/06 6
93494 History of Communication (LM) M-STO/04 12
93496 Politics and Ideology of Culture (LM) SPS/02 6
93495 Sociology of Journalism (LM) SPS/07 6

02. One course to be selected among those listed below (6 CFU)

cfu ? Credits
26357 French Language Test B - 2 6
26345 German Language Test B - 2 6
26351 Spanish Language Test B - 2 6

03. One laboratory to be selected among those listed below (6 CFU)

cfu ? Credits
93540 Current Affairs Laboratory (LM) 6
98802 Data Journalism Laboratory (LM) 6
93539 Information and Political Analisys Laboratory (LM) 6
98801 Laboratory of Digital Culture and Visual Journalism (LM) 6
93537 Social Media Laboratory (LM) 6
93535 Videomaking Laboratory (LM) 6

Second Year

03. One laboratory to be selected among those listed below (6 CFU)

cfu ? Credits
93545 Communication Laboratory (Lm) 6
93540 Current Affairs Laboratory (LM) 6
98802 Data Journalism Laboratory (LM) 6
93539 Information and Political Analisys Laboratory (LM) 6
98801 Laboratory of Digital Culture and Visual Journalism (LM) 6
93537 Social Media Laboratory (LM) 6
93535 Videomaking Laboratory (LM) 6

04. Three courses to be selected among those listed below (18 CFU)

ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
98808 Cultures of Entertainment (LM) L-ART/06 6
B1686 Digital Policies (LM) SPS/01 6
98809 Digital Storytelling (LM) L-ART/06 6
98810 Forms of Contemporary TV Seriality (LM) L-ART/06 6
93560 Information and Big Data (Lm) - Not available for the year  2024/2025 ING-INF/05 6
95894 Law, Information and Digital Transformation (LM) IUS/01 6
98807 Media Management (LM) L-ART/06 6
93553 Organization and Management of Multimedia Systems (Lm) L-ART/06 6
93593 Politics and Information in the Contemporary Age (Lm) M-STO/04 6
B1687 Semiotics of Digital Media (LM) M-FIL/05 6
98805 Sociology of Participation (LM) SPS/08 6

06. One or more Courses among those offered by University of Bologna (12 CFU)

Choose at least 12 credits from the training activities activated in the University degree programs.

07. Final Examination to be selected among these modalities (24 CFU). (24 CFU)

Students must select one of the four modalities: Three modalities offer the possibility to obtain some of the 24 credits with different activities in preparation of the final examination.
a) Final Examination (24 CFU) (max limit 24 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86262 Final Examination (24 CFU) (LM) 24
b) Final Examination (18 CFU) and Internship (6 CFU) (max limit 24 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
90579 Final Examination (18 CFU) (LM) 18
86223 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
c) Final Examination (6 CFU) and Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (18 CFU) (max limit 24 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86235 Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
88049 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (18 Cfu) 18
d) Final Examination (6 CFU) with Internship Abroad (6 CFU) and Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU) (max limit 24 CFU)
cfu ? Credits
86235 Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
86223 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination (6 CFU) (LM) 6
86263 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad (12 CFU) (LM) 12