Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Cesena Curriculum Intelligent Embedded Systems Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Computer Science and Engineering

Intelligent Embedded Systems

  • Programme type Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS)
  • Place of teaching Cesena, Forlì
  • Language English
  • Type of access Open access with assessment of personal competencies
  • Degree Programme Class LM-18 - Computer science
    LM-32 - Computer systems engineering
  • Degree Programme Director Mirko Viroli
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams
  • State Programmes will run only following the completion of the established ministerial procedure.

Notice Board

Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

Ten scholarships are available for those who have already received an ER.GO, UNICORE, or CRUI scholarship for the academic year 2023/24.

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150 paid hours per year, with flexible hours, to support students with Disabilities and SLD at the university.

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Contributions for contributions for health costs for non-resident students

If you are a non-resident student at the University of Bologna and you have an ISEE not exceeding €35,000.00, you can apply for the competition to request contributions. Application deadline: 11 July.

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International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.