Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Cesena Curriculum Intelligent Embedded Systems Second cycle degree/Two year Master in Computer Science and Engineering

"Gianni Bassi" Prize

Deadline: 31st of March 2024

Published on 05 February 2024

For more details, please check the notice published here on the right.

Prize amount: € 2.500.

This prize is managed by "Rotary Club Faenza", in collaboration with the "Scuola di Ingegneria" - Alma
Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.

Eligibility criteria:

- Candidates must officially live ("residenza" - domicile/ permanent address criterion) in one of the following Municipalities:
Faenza, Castel Bolognese, Riolo Terme, Solarolo, Casola Valsenio, Brisighella, Modigliana, Tredozio o

- Candidates must have obtained a Bachelor Degree (Laurea triennale) in one of the Programmes available at the following Departments of Bologna University:

Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering - DICAM

Computer Science and Engineering - DISI

Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" - DEI

Industrial Engineering - DIN

- Candidates must have graduated during the 2022/2023 academic year;

- Candidates must already be enrolled in one of the Master Degree Programmes available in the abovementioned Departments.

For more information, please write an email to: