Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in International Politics and Economics


Topic Group: International Relations of the Alumni Association of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) "Almae Matris Alumni Association"

The Department of Political and Social Science at Forlì invites you to subscribe to the ‘Topic Group: International Relations’ of the Alumni Association of the University of Bologna (UNIBO) ‘Almae Matris Alumni Association’.

This way you could be informed about events, Reunions, opportunities, job offers, training and much more even after the end of your programme. Also, you can keep in touch with your fellow Colleagues and meet other Students who, before you, have chosen Forlì to build up their careers. This is a great opportunity, don’t miss the chance of being part of a big Community!

Subscribe here: Scopri AMA Alumni Community - Università di Bologna — Alumni Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (

The choose: Topic Group- ‘International Relations’