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Crash course in quantitative methods

The crash course covers topics in inferential statistics. Its aim is to teach or review the essential statistical foundations necessary for studying econometrics.

Attendance is highly recommended for everyone preparing to take the Quantitative Economics and Public Policy (QEPP) module, regardless of their prior experience with the subject. Understanding inferential statistics is crucial, as all econometric concepts build directly on these foundations.

Additionally, the crash course includes an introduction to the statistical software Stata, which will be used throughout the QEPP module for practical implementation of statistical analyses and econometric models.

9/9 h 14-17 on line

10/9 h 14-17 on line

12/9 h 14-17 on line

13/9 h 14-17 on line

 16/9 h 17-19 on line

17/9 h 15-17 on line

18/9 h 9-11 on line

20/9 h 11-13 in presence Room 1.4

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