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Ukrainian Political Development in 1991-2022: A Comparative Perspective

Mikhail Minakov (Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna) – Cycle of seminars: “Ukrainian Studies Today: How to Study and Research Ukraine in Times of War”

12 December 2023 from 15:00 to 17:00

Room 1.3 - In presence and online event

On the occasion of this series of seminars we invite students and the academic community at the Forlì Campus to reflect on the structural and long-lasting processes that have shaped the Ukrainian experience in the European and Eurasian context – in an attempt to go beyond the mere dramatic developments of the war that began in February 2022. History, politics, society, culture and migration will be at the core of our exploration, hosting the contributions of Ukrainian and international experts.

Contact Person: Marco Puleri

The seminars are part of the Workshop on Eastern Europe and Eurasia. They are in presence for all 1st yr Mirees students.

Only other participants (2hd yr and others) can attend at distance (TEAMS LINK)